I would be grateful for a scientific calculator as a portable app. There is Xcalc but this is reverse polish notation/HP which is difficult to use compared with DAL logic. I know it's only a question of what you're used to by HP style takes some getting used too.
As the first post in the following thread says https://portableapps.com/node/6241.
Visualize the possibilities!
Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz
4GB Ram
256MB GeForce 8600M GT
It's gonna be a launcher for Microsoft's Calculator, which is also a scientific calculator.
I felt so different without a signature.
I believe it would work if ya found the .exe that opens Microsoft Calculator, just copy it to your thumbdrive and use Reshacker to make it PAM friendly, (product name change). I have done this for other Windows utilities like regedit and the Task Manager.
As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp MySt http://www.freewebs.com/espreapps
What it is. I just used the launcher from John's On-Screen Keyboard Portable. Sure, it's not completely nessesary, and it's gonna have some extra uneeded things, but it'll have a splash, and be in .paf.
Then people will have a calc in there menu, without going to all the trouble you just said.
I felt so different without a signature.
microsoft's calc. can already be run portabliy
But I just made it so you can launch ift from the PortableApps Menu.
I felt so different without a signature.
It actually writes to the registry.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Where to?
I felt so different without a signature.
I might check it out later.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
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The Kazoo Spartan
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
That one's nice. I was looking for a good open-souce calc. But I couldn't find anything good. I should try to do that one. But I don't know how to make the program run without an install.
I felt so different without a signature.
TTCalc is in two versions. One is an installer and the latter is a binary package (ttcalc-*.tar.gz).
I made it portable. Where did you see the source? I can't find it.
I felt so different without a signature.
Speq is not exactly a "calculator" but is an awesome math program. You just type your formula on the sheet. It does fractions, algebra, graphing, etc. Works great portable, though can't guarantee that it meets the stealth requirements of some.
.. open source. Looks nice though.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
Live today like it is your last!
The Kazoo Spartan
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
Couldn't get UniversalExtractor to unpack it. Someone else might have better luck. The source is also offered, but I wouldn't know where to start.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
Live today like it is your last!
The Kazoo Spartan
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
The source is also offered, but I wouldn't know where to start.
Same. lol.
I felt so different without a signature.
Thanks i'd overlooked this one. I think i've tried it before and forgotten about it. It has an installation .exe and worked fine. Not sure what this universal extractor is - i just download and use 7-zip when necessary. It is very good just shame it's not portable. Xcalc is very good for the few who can cope with the 'reverse polish'/HP notation. I can't.
Why is everything on sourceforge.net so slow to download?
i recommend it. its a scientific calc and graphs 2d and 3d functions. actually pretty simple for what it can do and runs fast. also, its open source.
also look at this to make it purely portable:
Look for free alternatives! Then support them:)
Look for free alternatives! Then support them:)
to see a portable Calculator.
That's one thing I love about my Microsoft keyboard:
It has a shortcut key right ontop ot the numbers to directly open the calculator.
"There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!" - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
The launcher I changed works fine for launching Microsoft's Calculator. I have it in portable apps format. And I have the splash done. (Two infact, and the icon changed.) I even have one version zipped up in a self-extractor, it's just there's lots of uneeded script in there, so I'm trying to take out the uneeded stuff, but keep the launcher working.
I felt so different without a signature.
Almost like a portable lite version of Matlab. Brilliant App! I do all calculations using it.
Does anyone konw, how to contact the autohr of Eigenmath?
1. Eigenmath does wrong with sin(0)/0. Since Eigenmath can do sumbol calculte, I think it is not too difficult to calculate
2. If Eigenmath could support much program flow control(IF...THEN...ELSE END) and defining of complex function, it must become the ONE!
You are calculating the limit when x APPROACHES 0. This is not the same than the value when x IS 0. That is a kind of discontinuity that can be "fixed" by using a different function defined as
f(x) = | 1 if x=0 or
| sin(0)/0 if x =/= 0
But f(x) is not the same as sin(0)/0.
A related example: 1/x has a similar problem, but since the limit is +infinity if you're coming in from the right or -infinty if you're coming in from the left, you can't fix it. Neither can you "fix" 1/abs(x) which's limit is +infinity from both sides.
Now stop torturing all us innocent people with Calculus!!!! What have we done to deserve it???!!!!
Don't shoot me, but don't get that.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
If you are unlucky enough in your last years of highschool, they might try to stuff some of that into your head. If you get a bit lucky (and study law, or archaelogy) you might even live a complete life without learning that. Some people have been known to even manage to find a wife without knowing that!

But some of us have been veeery bad in our past lifes.
if f(z) is defined as:
f(z) = sin(z)/z, where z is a complex number (ie. z = x + iy, i^2 = -1)
f(z) = (1/z)(z - z^3/3! + z^5/5! - z^7/7! + ...) [Taylor expansion of sin(z)]
= 1 - z^2/3! + z^4/5! - z^6/7! + ...
This expansion converges on the whole complex plane, implying f(z) is an entire function, and f(0) = 1
(no limits here... f(z) = sin(z)/z implies f(0) = 1)
fzizzle equals sininizzle by sizzle to the z degree
fzizzle equals a low rider zizzle taking 3 by 3 spread with high five sizzle, by the seven. etc.
"... respect, all good works are not done by only good folk. For here, at the end of all things, we shall do what needs to be done."
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
hey, maybe this will actually get people to appreciate Calculus...
fo by sizzle, divizzle by fizzle
do yo derivatizzle but ya only get shizzle
(fo shizzle?)
fo shizzle my bizzle, pull out yo eigenvizzle
gimme zero zero zero like auto 9 millimizzle
determinate an integrate
regurgitate results an den yo ruminate...
(on what the hell kind of answer you got. Ha.)
It is not your audience's responsibility to puzzle out what you intended to say; it is your responsibility to express yourself so clearly that no one with a modicum of intelligence and good will could possibly mistake your meaning.
It is not your audience's responsibility to puzzle out what you intended to say; it is your responsibility to express yourself so clearly that no one with a modicum of intelligence and good will could possibly mistake your meaning.
drop it like it's hard, drop it like it's hard.
Which I did, for two semesters until I 'got it'
"... respect, all good works are not done by only good folk. For here, at the end of all things, we shall do what needs to be done."
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.