I think that Skype could be a good program to convert since it is a free download. This is very helpful for those who pay for their phone service. I would even pay to have a working version of this program as a portable application as I need it for business purposes. Please try it with this if you can I am not sure if it is an open source but go to www.skype.com and check it out. Thanks and good luck....
Since Ebay didn't pay more than US$ I'm sure they are preparing to release the code as we speak.
My suggestion: Don't shout, search the forums [lots of threads] and don't expect potential developers to do your legwork.
Pontus is right. Top right corner of thsi sight, seach, and you'll find it. There is a lite version that is linked in a post in this site.
And he's right. Don't shout.
I felt so different without a signature.
Do your self a favor and stop the skype hype. It will be never free. Otherwise them get a global monopoly (it sux like the microsoft monopoly) and control about most pc to pc talks. Support open source (and serverless) voice programms instant.
Not to make me sound like a moderator, but please read the Forum Guidelines and use the Search button before posting. There have been about 13 posts about Skype, and nobody is using the Search function. For the future, use Search. This reduces clutter in the forums. Also, do not shout, or you might get a warning from a real moderator like Ryan.
My blog
Brought to you by an 11-year-old sysadmin/webmaster/programmer (me).
take look at this link :
and then follow the info of :
"It did it
Submitted by nequissimus on December 30, 2006 - 1:03am."
and download the launcher as per link and skype will work perfectly on USB pen
MiKiCuN made one
mayb its just me but... i didnt hear him yell
mayb its just me but... i didnt hear him yell
How would you say this:
Say it to yourself right now. Note there are 10 exclamation marks, make sure you use the emphasise of each one and don't forget to emphasize the capital letters as well.
I felt so different without a signature.
So true.
My blog
Brought to you by an 11-year-old sysadmin/webmaster/programmer (me).
check www.robloach.net they have one there.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.