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userChrome.css instructions only partically executed

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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2017-10-22 11:16
userChrome.css instructions only partically executed

In order to make the menus wider I tried to setup a suitable userChrome.css file.

According to some suggestions I put an empty userChrome.css file into (new) folder


and put the following statments in there

.bookmark-item[container] .menu-iconic-text {
max-width: 600px !important;
width: 600px !important;
* { background-color: orange !important; }

After restart of 64bit PA Firefox v83 (under 64bit Windows 7) the "orange background" statement is executed BUT NOT the make-menu-wider statement.

Since other users on other systems proclaim that the make-menu-wider CSS rule works on their "normal" (=Non-PA) Firefox it must be an error of PortableApps Firefox.

Why does it not work here?

Can someone else in this forum test it and confirm that it (not) works on his site?

Thank you

Last seen: 14 hours 42 min ago
Joined: 2010-08-18 10:40
Works Fine for Me

I tested this on my own system using Portable Firefox v83.0 under Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and the code works fine for me. That said you haven't included the 'namespace' line in your code so for completeness here is the code I used (that tested fine):

/* Firefox Portable userChrome.css */
@namespace url("");

.bookmark-item[container] .menu-iconic-text {
max-width: 600px !important;
width: 600px !important;

* { background-color: orange !important; }

I did try this omitting the 'namespace' line and the code still worked though the menu titles weren't visible. Menus were still there though as if I clicked my mouse over the positions I knew the menus should be then the (sub-)menu would show up.

In any case with the namespace line present, as it should be, the code worked okay for me. So whatever the issue is on your system it isn't that the code doesn't work with Firefox Portable.

P.S. For my own Firefox Portable I do use userChrome.css for other stuff and, so far, I have never had any code that I use in my fully installed Firefox fail in a Firefox Portable installation.

P.P.S. As an outside possibility it might be the case that you have some add-on installed to your Firefox Portable that is causing the issue -- so you might want to look at that.

Use Portable Apps on both Flash Drive and HDD/SSD.

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