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Feature Request - Category subfolders plz reconsider

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Last seen: 11 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2021-01-01 17:50
Feature Request - Category subfolders plz reconsider

Hi, John Haller

I known in the past that you were against Portable apps from having nested categories. I remember a long time ago someone actually forked portable apps and was able add it. However I can't find that source anymore, to try to update it.

Here are my reasons why I think you should reconsider adding this into the platform.

* USB sticks are increasing growing larger in size since the last reconsider.
* Number of developers supporting a portable application have grown over the years.
(Granted may of them are unofficial, and you are working on unofficial mode)
* Allot of Applications don't fall well into a single category.
Game- FPS - Game-Causal when the list get too long.
* Application / Collections can also grow the list too long.
Example: Sysinternals Collection, NirSoft Collection.
* Performance, USB are much faster now.
* User base have grown, as people are not fans of Installed software causing PC slow downs, and portability between devices.

Compromises to your points not to do Sub folders / Sub Category.
Performance reasons.
- Limit the sub category to 1 level deep. No reason for the granular people to go crazy and kill performance / ease of use.

- Removing a Category lost of children apps.
You already prevent this now by not allowing the category to go away unless its empty.

I hope you will reconsider this feature request now that times have changed.
Just consider this project was very successful now a change is in order.