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Portable App with Google Drive

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2021-06-15 05:47
Portable App with Google Drive

I use Portable App in multiple location with google Drive.
I have problems with [conflict] file and Portable App Launcher.
Sometimes, I can't launch portable APP.
I there a way to do a "repare software" for Portable App ?

Thank You.



Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-13 13:50
Had a similar problem, when GDrive decided to use shortcuts

named like this:
So my START Launcher stopped working.
I guess it stems from my wish to Synch a few of my Google Drive folders, when they replaced the synching logic a few years back.
So, instead I did this:

    1. Located the newest PortableAppsPlatform.exe in these folders (there may be more than one)
    2. Created a CMD file (BAT file can work too) with this:

    REM Starting Portable Apps without Launcher no longer working
    START "" "G:\.shortcut-targets-by-id\0B28Ibr36aV3XS2V1cFhBLXRscVk\PortableApps\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe"

    3.Saved it with name: PortableApps Launch.cmd
    4. Tested it, and it worked
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