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Are there FAQs for individual applications?

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-04-16 15:48
Are there FAQs for individual applications?

Is there a place we can submit a special installer note to this website?

In the Standalone installer for Gramps Portable (recently updated from 2015 Gramps version 3.4.9 to 2020 version 5.1.3), there are some configuration quirks for non-English users.

As described on your Languages page, the .ini setting for DefaultIfNotExists must be customized for the Gramps interface to show another language.

8. If this file does not exist, then [Language]:DefaultIfNotExists is read, environment variables parsed in it, and set as the value for %PAL:LanguageCustom%.

But, in addition, files must be placed to enable spellcheck dictionaries and affix grammar . The dialect-specific Dictionary (.dic) and Affix (.aff) files must be copied to the appropriate Python PyEnchant subfolder.

Following tests in an English and another test in a French Windows system, we posted some instructions in our forum.

We have not done structured testing using the Portable Apps Platform. But the Standalone also did not adapt to the French user's OS language. Its interface still defaulted to English ... and so French had to be selected manually.

Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56
No FAQs, spellcheck not portable

As already stated, users shouldn't change files inside GrampsPortable\App. It's not a solution but a dirty hack.

I haven't looked at Gramps Portable 5.1.3, but for previous versions see here.

I haven't looked at enchant lately, but it used to be NOT portable. There was a long discussion long ago (# and following. I don't know about the PAL features, but probably spellchecking should be removed until a proper solution is found.

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2021-04-16 15:48
No FAQs?!?, spellcheck seems to be portable

I don't understand the logic behind your reply. Your own reference note describes the Edit GrampsPortable\Data\settings\GrampsPortableSettings.ini change to which you object.

Conflicting comment aside, isn't a hack better than "it cannot be done."? This allows non-English speaking users to utilize Gramps Portable with a single one-word edit and 2 files copied. Hacking does not get much more simple or more CLEAN.

Note that the PortableApps copy of Gramps Portable 5.1.3 does include the Enchant and moving/copying the Dictionary spellcheck and Affix grammar files makes the feature functional. Why remove something that works while someone looks for an elegant solution?

I'm far more interested in verifying that the preliminary GraphViz Portable can be made to work with the Standalone installed Gramps Portable. That would unbreak some charts, reports and the Life line charts add-on. (I think GraphViz was the prerequisite there.) And a 2-step user-powered install side-steps the concern about 'conflicting license terms' that you posted elsewhere. The thread mentioning Gramps Portable 3.4.6 auto-detection doesn't seem to resolve some of the issues. (Like the Gramps Plug-in Manager throwing an error on the Lifelines plug-in install.)

I skimmed some of the installer docs and it looks like the proper way to address this is with a script to integrated into the installer. But that is WAY beyond my bandwidth right now. Are you able to take this information and make a script flexible enough to work with the 43 languages that Gramps has been translated into?


Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

I think you mixup to many things:

  • folder GrampsPortable\App vs. GrampsPortable\Data
  • Gramps Portable 5.1.3 vs. Gramps Portable 3.x
  • application works vs. application is portable
  • Life line charts addon needs Python modules
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