vmPing (Visual Multi Ping) rel. 1.3.16 has been released at July 1, 2021
From GitHub page:
• vmPing (Visual Multi Ping) is a graphical ping utility for monitoring multiple hosts.
• Numerous host monitors can be added and removed, and each monitor dynamically resizes with the application window.
• Color-coding allows you to tell at a glance the status of each host.
• In addition to standard ICMP pings, you can also perform a TCP 'port ping', where the application continuously connects to a specified port and displays whether or not the port is open.
• A fast trace route utility and a basic packet generator / stress tester is also included.
• vmPing can be run from Command line (several switches).
• It can be used for check if a webserver is alive or down (instead of the site https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/)
• The application offers you the option of setting up e-mail notifications, should you wish to be alerted whenever a host you are monitoring goes down.
• GitHub project page: https://github.com/R-Smith/vmPing
• GitHub download page: https://github.com/R-Smith/vmPing/releases
• direct download executable (KB 318): https://github.com/R-Smith/vmPing/releases/download/v1.3.16/vmPing.exe
• requires .NET 4.5 or higher
• source code is available: https://github.com/R-Smith/vmPing/archive/refs/tags/v1.3.16.zip
• license: MIT license (open source)
• Softpedia review: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Network-Tools/IP-Tools/vmPing.shtml