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PNG optimization guide

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-13 10:08
PNG optimization guide

The guide has temporarily been removed. At some point the original posting was corrupted and I am working on restoring the missing portions of text. New additions will also be made...


Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-13 10:08
Information for Linux

The process described previously should be able to run on linux systems, but will require compiling some of the programs from source. Furthermore, since I am not a linux user I have no idea what scripts you would need to automate the process...

1. pngrewrite.
Download and compile the source. From a quick Google, I found this comment:
How do you compile pngrewrite under Linux with GCC?
Just do "gcc -lpng pngrewrite.c -o pngrewrite". The Makefile is broken.

2. advdef.
Download and compile the source.

3. optipng.
Download and compile the source

4. pngout.
Ken Silverman has not released the souce code for his Utility, to protect his interests as author. However, he has allowed 'JonoF' to port pngout to Mac and Linux. The executables can be found here.

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