Installed audacity 3.0.5 portable edition
downloaded FFMPeg 2.2.2 and put all files in
I launch audacity and tried to import a AAC audio file. Audacity says I don't have FFMPeg.
edit->preferences->library says FFMPeg libary not found
i used the button to manually locate the avcodec-55.dll and save it.
but I won't take it, no error message, no happy message. just no change.
I restart the app several times, resetting each time the FFMPeg libary to no avail.
I found a file called AudacityPortable.ini and it contains this section:
File=%PAL:DataDir%\Portable Settings\audacity.cfg
In file: audacity.cfg
I found this section:
I changed Enabled from 0 to 1, it didn't fix the issue,
I did tools-> reset configuration, re-install ffmpeg, it didn't fix the issue,
I deleted audacity portable and installed it again somewhere else, re-install ffmpeg, didn't fix the issue,
what am I doing wrong?
Hi Largo, I have your same issue.
I managed to find the sections you talk about and tried to change that Enabled from 0 to 1. With Audacity closed, it kind of does something, Audacity tells me that FFmpeg was previously configured and loaded, but this time it didn't manage to.
Curious thing is I left the audacity.cfg file open in Notepad++ (Portable lol) and it detected that the file was not available anymore, since the moment I opened Audacity, as if Audacity edits it or deletes it, without any Preferences change from my side inside the program. It does it all by itself.
I reopen the cfg file again and the Enabled value got back to 0.
It's really frustrating since it's such a simple task and yet it seems so hard to make it work...