Could someone provide a link to download or information how to do the following.
I need a Full Working Version of Ubuntu 20.04.
It Must have Persistence .
And Must be an ISO.
The Purpose is to Run it From Easy2Boot External 500gb Portable SSD.
It's of no Use if it is created on a USB Flash Drive as I can't find any Way of Converting that into an ISO to Use in Easy2Boot.
I have Tried a Copy of Ubuntu 20.04 ISO in Easy2Boot and it does work.
But the Persistence part is not working and after a reboot it looses any changes or settings and goes back to default.
And if you try and install ubuntu to the easy2boot portable ssd it wipes out all folders and settings needed for e2b to work.
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Portable Ubuntu 20.04 with Persistence ISO for Easy2Boot
May 10, 2022 - 10:04pm
Portable Ubuntu 20.04 with Persistence ISO for Easy2Boot
I suggest checking with the easy2boot forum for guidance, as we don't have anything to do with that software or with creating ISOs for it.
[EDIT] Specifically, it looks like someone has already provided you with guidance there in response to your question:
Thanks, I've looked at that persons suggestion and don't understand it.
So that's why I thought I would ask here.
So I'll push on perhaps I'll find someone that knows what I am talking about elsewhere
As that's the official forum for the software, I suggest continuing to follow up on your question there rather than just asking somewhere else.
If there's something you don't understand, say so in that thread, and the user who has responded to you may be able to explain further.
Without identifying to the user whom responded to you that their answer doesn't solve your issue, or you don't understand what they've provided, they can't possibly know how help further.
Easy2Boot can boot some ISO files and then use another file as a persistence file
First make an E2B USB drive using the latest Beta as in the post link
Then follow the guide on the E2B website for .isopersist
Free online chat help is available on the E2B website
Go to the Puppy Linux forum and enquire there, someone might be able to point you to a proper method. I am currently running a Puppy Linux version based on Ubuntu 18.4 with persistence. Those folks are more knowledgeable about the Linux OS.