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Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Portable: Tool Icons Missing – Workaround

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Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-21 18:13
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Portable: Tool Icons Missing – Workaround

GreenFishEditorProPortable is not correctly using the PortableApps Filetree Structure, possibly resulting in an GUI that is hard to use.

  1. Don't grant user-privileges write-access to :\PortableApps\GreenfishIconEditorProPortable\App\.
  2. Run GFIE as Administrator: everything is fine.
  3. Run GFIE (as User): starts up with a blank toolbar (popups on the tool icons shown, but no icons), and other icons and decorations are missing as well.
  4. Process Explorer hints that something is bogus around a non existing directory :\PortableApps\GreenfishIconEditorProPortable\App\GreenfishIconEditorPro\Data\
  5. Copy the directory
    :\PortableApps\GreenfishIconEditorProPortable\Data\GFIE to
    :\PortableApps\GreenfishIconEditorProPortable\App\GreenfishIconEditorPro and rename it
  6. Run GFIE (as User): everything is fine, now.
John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 9 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Not Supported

The way GFIE works, you can't set the App directory as read-only. This is the way the app itself works. That directory is moved back and forth so an end user can customize settings and they will be backed up between uses and on upgrades.

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