It's possible to create an online installer for LibreOffice?
The problem with an online installer is that it must extract the content of an LibreOffice installer, for example 'LibreOffice_7.4.3_Win_x86.msi'.
I have found a tool for extract all .MSI files and it's name is LessMSI.
Details about LessMSI:
• author's web site: https://lessmsi.activescott.com/
• GitHub project page: https://github.com/activescott/lessmsi
• GitHub download page rel 1.10.0: https://github.com/activescott/lessmsi/releases/tag/v1.10.0
• GitHub direct download: https://github.com/activescott/lessmsi/releases/download/v1.10.0/lessmsi...
You can also extract files from the command line. This has been used in automated scripts to extract files or information from an MSI.
To extract from the command line (see on GitHub at https://github.com/activescott/lessmsi/wiki/Command-Line) see more down:
--> lessmsi <command> [switches] <msi_name> [<path_to_extract\>] [file_names]
In my opinion with an online installer Your developers can create fast new build for new versions.