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Is ShareX Portable a virus that deletes all files and then extorts money?

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Anatoliy Kovalenko
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 17:07
Is ShareX Portable a virus that deletes all files and then extorts money?

Почему пятно того же цвета, что и кожа современных расистов, в HTML-коде этой страницы называется «Eraser Portable Screenshot»? Это вирус, удаляющий все файлы, а потом вымогающий деньги?
Нажмите «Ctrl+u», затем «Ctrl+f» и поищите указанную фразу.
Или просто руки растут из того места, которое в качестве головы используется?
P.S. Всё равно Вы этот комментарий удалите (в лучшем случае).

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Copy/Paste error

There were a couple spots referencing Eraser Portable rather than ShareX Portable unintentionally, as a result of a copy/paste error. There is no viruses or extortion.

Anatoliy Kovalenko
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 17:07
Maybe not a frank virus, but very harmful.

This program spoils the data of other programs. Does not completely destroy, but critically changes. Therefore, I began to deal with HTML code. This did not happen with any of the other similar programs («FastStone Capture», «PicPick» etc.).
Maybe not a frank virus, but very harmful.
P.S. Sorry for the quality of the translation, it was not me who made it, but the computer.
P.P.S. «Copy/Paste» is a manual operation. For more than half a century, computers have been performing such operations instead of civilized people. But on this site, the checksum refers to another file, then the link points to another file, because a person works, and computers rest.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 39 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Modern racists?

Google translation: "Why is the stain of the same color as the skin of modern racists called "Eraser Portable Screenshot" in the HTML code of this page? Is it a virus that deletes all files and then extorts money?
Press "Ctrl + u", then "Ctrl + f" and look for the specified phrase.
Or do the hands just grow from the place that is used as the head?
P.S. You will delete this comment anyway (at best)."

I'm unsure what your issue is, but this is your last official warning. Stop now or you'll receive a a temporary ban. You've accused multiple publishers of being racists and made claims about malware and viruses with no basis in reality.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Anatoliy Kovalenko
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 17:07
If your glitches are so dear to you, stay with them.

Если Вам так дороги Ваши глюки, оставайтесь с ними. Российская власть тоже банит всех несогласных. И китайская.
Кстати, не хотите ли поменяться со мною гражданством, если Вас так бесит чужое мнение?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 39 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Opinions vs Lies

Stating opinions is perfectly fine. As is stating facts. Lying about a given app and calling it malware, extortionware, etc is neither an opinion nor a fact. Same with your claims that Zotero, Eraser, and other developers are "racist". Previously, you for some reason stated that Zotero was racists because some random Russian site made a review of Zotero, which makes no sense. You also previously called me racist or similar because I made an optional Yandex plugin available for Opera Portable because a user asked for it since the base Opera app made it available on install when installing in Russian. You've been asked to refrain on multiple occasions as this just distracts from our mission of making software available to people and your statements have no basis in fact.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Anatoliy Kovalenko
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 17:07
Look at their coat of arms.

If someone lies, it's you. Here's the confirmation:
«Эту программу рекламируют рашисты»
«Рашисты» is an abbreviation of the phrase «Russian fascists», and not racists at all. Russian equal Kremlin. Look at their coat of arms. And read their domain name carefully. It is not an English word at all (though written in English letters) and for a Russian-speaking person, it is very indicative.
It is no longer possible to find other links on your site, but this does not make your lie forgiven.
P.S. Вас и Ваши программы я давно забанил на своём компьютере, а ваш сайт использую всего лишь в качестве каталога обновлений, потому что Ваша настоящая «миссия» – вымогать деньги за сознательно созданные ошибки в Ваших программах.
Update. Sorry for mistake in translation: «Russians equals (or mean) Kremlin's», not «Russian equal Kremlin». It is hard for me to translate such shades of speech.
Update №2. Use of the word «рашисты» («рашисти», «рашистів») on the Ukrainian website:
Here is the translation into Russian:
There is no any connection with human races.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 39 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Same Question

And I ask the same question now that I asked then. How does a random Russian site linking to Zotero and explaining what it is have *anything* to do with the developer of the app? Zotero isn't written or published by the site you linked to. It was created at George Mason University here in the United States and is contributed to by a global team of developers:

Your other line through Google translate is: "P.S. I banned you and your programs from my computer a long time ago, and I use your site only as an update directory, because your real “mission” is to extort money for deliberately created errors in your programs."

I'm unsure why you're continuing on this path. Your "evidence" above was the fact that an alt tag in the html of this story said the screenshot was from Eraser Portable. For that you said the app was likely extorting money and malware. All because I duplicated an existing story to make it easier to create the ShareX Portable release story in Drupal (our content management system).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Anatoliy Kovalenko
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 17:07
My evidence above was the fact that you can not handle computers

My evidence above was many facts that you can not handle computers. You are not a programmer, but a fraudster posing as a programmer. You can only copy and paste like any five-year-old child. And this is far from the first proof of your incompetence.
And the website is not random, but propagating war. Look for the meaning and history of the word they chose as a domain. Ask the same Illarionov who lives in the United States.
Update. I just now realized that you do not remember all your extortion. I cannot find their confirmation on your website (I do not have access to a very old story), but you demanded money from me several times for fixing a context menu error in the main window of your program.
Update №2. A real programmer would eliminate this error in a couple of minutes, but you have nothing to do with programmers.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 39 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Completely Unrelated Website, Insults, Threats, Lies

That website you mentioned is meaningless in relation to Zotero. They're not affiliated with Zotero. Or the developers of Zotero. Or All that site did was publish an article about how Zotero works. By your logic, if a fascist website uses Windows, then Microsoft is fascist. It has no basis in logic or reality. That website uses PHP running on nginx to send you HTML and Javascript. By your logic, PHP, nginx, HTML, and Javascript fascist, too.

The interaction you're referring to is when you were annoyed that the PA.c Platform's menu showed the context menu for App updates by the mouse pointer instead of by the App button. I explained the nature of how it worked and that it was listed in the Platform Bug Report and Feature Tracker as a known bug to be fixed. You were unhappy with that reply and demanded it be fixed and insulted the developers for it being an unresolved issue. I informed you that, as an open source project, you were free to code and submit a patch yourself or to pay a developer of your choosing to do so. You claimed that this was an attempt at extortion. I reiterated that you could pay *any* developer, including one in your home country of Russia, to develop a fix and submit it, but that you could not make demands on our own developers' unpaid time. There's a long list of issues to get to in that link and, currently, I'm the only one working on them in addition to building and updating apps, running the servers that host the site and downloads, etc. Your specific bug doesn't get higher priority just because you insult people giving you something for free.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of code reuse and copy and pasting your own code from previous work, you likely don't know much about programming. While we had to reinvent the wheel constantly when I was 10 years old and saving my first coding work to a cassette tape, today the landscape is very different.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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