Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing While Adding The Sums
Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing While Asking Tom Something
Hey, I don't have a clue
Anyway, how do we get the cookie, or will you eat it for us?
And the original phrase was ROFLMAOWATS
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
It's rolling on the floor laughing with a turkey sandwich, although I prefer ROFLWHEATS, rolling on the floor laughing while having/eating a turkey sandwich.
I haven't used these kinda things in 10 years. Never did get into the 1337 crowd fortunately.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
Yeah it does (mine). I'll assume that Bahamut's sig is sarcasm. Well, there is room for two points of view in one world. Anyway, pie anyone? :tongue:.
"If there was a Genesis Flood, you would find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. What do you find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth."
Ken Ham
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
I'm not saying that's the only reason (or a good reason) to believe what I believe. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to say it doesn't make sense (redundant :wink:) to believe the way I do.
"If there was a Genesis Flood, you would find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. What do you find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth."
Ken Ham
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
His is just trying to say that his opinion is that my signature has no logic (it kind-of does). Mine is just a pro-creationist thing said by the popular creation scientist and speaker Ken Ham (from to support the creation movement and it's views. (Really, mine makes/made a lot more sense than his.)
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If P->Q, then Q does not necessarily imply P. That is saying that male man->human so human-> male man. The only way that that is a true statement is if the only way Q can be true is if P is true, but there are lots of reasons there would be lots of dead things.
My point was, that it makes sense that if there were a Genesis Flood the whole billions of dead things. So since we find billions of dead things, it is possible there was a worldwide flood (from that standpoint), refuting common thinking.
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Sorry, I figured the others would think it more of a logic discussion, not a religious discussion. It really had no religious or "offending" intent.
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If P->Q, then Q does not necessarily imply P.
It's not a generalization fallacy. It turns correlation into causation.
And while I do not mind explaining the faulty logic in creation/ID arguments, this board is definitely not the place for it, so I don't (and won't) start such discussions.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Oh My Gawd, BarBQue, Be Right Back!
*logs off, never returns that day*
I laughed like crazy when he said that, but then again I laugh at everything...What do you all think of it?
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-Albert Einstein
[Moderator RM: You have to use </em> when you want to stop emphasising, not <em>. Please change this in your profile ASAP]
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing While Adding The Sums

Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing While Asking Tom Something
Hey, I don't have a clue
Anyway, how do we get the cookie, or will you eat it for us?
And the original phrase was ROFLMAOWATS
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
And the original phrase was ROFLMAOWATS
Oh well. The important part is still there.
You can have a turkey sandwich for catching that.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
It's rolling on the floor laughing with a turkey sandwich, although I prefer ROFLWHEATS, rolling on the floor laughing while having/eating a turkey sandwich.
I haven't used these kinda things in 10 years. Never did get into the 1337 crowd fortunately.
As promised.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
dang...that looks like a good cookie
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Your new signature file is, ..ah, ..sort of, ..well
Lets just say it seems familiar.
Are we gonna start having sig file battles now?
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Yeah it does (mine). I'll assume that Bahamut's sig is sarcasm. Well, there is room for two points of view in one world. Anyway, pie anyone? :tongue:.
"If there was a Genesis Flood, you would find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. What do you find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth."
Ken Ham
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Just pointing out the faulty logic.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
I'm not saying that's the only reason (or a good reason) to believe what I believe. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to say it doesn't make sense (redundant :wink:) to believe the way I do.
"If there was a Genesis Flood, you would find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. What do you find? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth."
Ken Ham
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Anyway, had I been awake at the time that Bahamut replied to my post, I could have guessed it easily.
Oh and I don't get either of your signatures.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
His is just trying to say that his opinion is that my signature has no logic (it kind-of does). Mine is just a pro-creationist thing said by the popular creation scientist and speaker Ken Ham (from to support the creation movement and it's views. (Really, mine makes/made a lot more sense than his.)
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If P->Q, then Q does not necessarily imply P. That is saying that male man->human so human-> male man. The only way that that is a true statement is if the only way Q can be true is if P is true, but there are lots of reasons there would be lots of dead things.
My point was, that it makes sense that if there were a Genesis Flood the whole billions of dead things. So since we find billions of dead things, it is possible there was a worldwide flood (from that standpoint), refuting common thinking.
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I live my life dedicated to Christ everyday.
There is a time and a place. This si neither the time nor the place.
PLEASE cut out the religious themed threads before John doe not allow any off topic discussions at all.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
My site * My Blog
The Kazoo Spartan
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
Sorry, I figured the others would think it more of a logic discussion, not a religious discussion. It really had no religious or "offending" intent.
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If P->Q, then Q does not necessarily imply P.
It's not a generalization fallacy. It turns correlation into causation.
And while I do not mind explaining the faulty logic in creation/ID arguments, this board is definitely not the place for it, so I don't (and won't) start such discussions.
If there were a serial make-up artist putting make-up on random women, you'd expect to see millions of women walking around with make-up on. What do you find? Millions of women walking around with make-up on.
Got any milk to go along with that?
"America has never been an empire. We may be the only great power in history that had the chance, and refused – preferring greatness to power and justice to glory."
George W. Bush
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Heh, reminds me of the Got Milk? campaign.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
This might be more rewarding...
Please Make TiLP Portable
R-oll O-n F-loor L-aughing W-hile A-t T-rain S-tation?
. . . . .^ still^my^guess ^. . . . .
One of my friends thought this one up.
Oh My Gawd, BarBQue, Be Right Back!
*logs off, never returns that day*
I laughed like crazy when he said that, but then again I laugh at everything...What do you all think of it?
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-Albert Einstein
[Moderator RM: You have to use </em> when you want to stop emphasising, not <em>. Please change this in your profile ASAP]
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
has said if i was right or not! am i, tell me please! tell me tell me tell me! (starts acting like a 4 year old with adhd.)
I think you already were before that.
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I think he was responding to this part of your post:
"(starts acting like a 4 year old with adhd.)"
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
that is kinda funny. (i do act like that dont i?)espetialy with the crap i put on my new webpage)
yuh duh.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Rolling On Floor Laughing Madley At Oswald While At Train Station?