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Working Firefox 32bit developer edition was updated to 64bit now doesn't work anymore

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wonkawilly's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2023-06-02 01:16
Working Firefox 32bit developer edition was updated to 64bit now doesn't work anymore

Hallo everybody I am new just registered few minutes ago. Hope this is the right place to ask for this little issue.

A while ago I had installed into PortableApps platform a perfectly working Firefox Developer Edition 32bit i used a lot, but today the update was triggered and PortableApps replaced the woking 32 bi version with a not korking 64bit that doesn't work anymore on win7 32bit.

Where can I find the last 32bit version of the Firefox developer edition paf.exe file to get back che 32bit version of this great software?

I can't find it anymore in 32bit version into the list of the installable apps.

Than you in advance.

Please into the PortableApps Directory viewer implement some new features:
- Filters to be applied to each column to make easier the app search
- Sorting capability on-click on the column of the app list
- Two new column that indicate the current installed version and the new version of the app to be updated
- A counter that total number of apps that listed into the Portable App Directory Viewer
- A column with a short description (max 250 bytes) of what is and what does the app
- A column containing a ling to the portable app installer that can be manually downoladed in case o need
- A link to the original developer website to give us the possibility go there and get more information from there in case of need.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 7 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
I Dropped Support

As the non-stable Firefox channels hardly see any use, I made the decision to drop 32-bit support. It decreases the build time and upload time by about half. This change was made well over a year ago. The app itself is still available in 32-bit from Mozilla.

You can get the now very old and insecure 99.0 release with the 32-bit package here:

All of those suggestions for the app store have been made and addressed in the Platform Bug Report and Feature Tracker. They are not currently possible using the current build environment and will require a complete rewrite. At present I am the sole developer and PA.c does not bring in enough revenue to even pay a 1/2 time developer wage so that is not currently planned.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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