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Start up trouble

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Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-08 09:54
Start up trouble

I have a huge problem starting up Thunderbird Portable.

I am using version 2 and have a lot of difficulty starting the application. I have it pinned to my start menu, but it seems to take forever to load the application. How do I re-create the settings (if it is possible) without losing my emails?


Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-08 07:53
You can just copy your

You can just copy your PortableApps/ThundebirdPortable/Data/profile/Mail dir where all your mails are beeing held, then delete PortableApps/ThundebirdPortable and install it again. After reinstall just copy Mail folder where it was and it everything should be OK.

Once it happened to me that after bringing back Mail folder and launching TB the app didn't see any of my mail accounts. I just needed to set them again and after program created directories for them I just overwritted them with my old Mail dir backup and everything was restored as it was before.


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