Good morning,
please I would like to be helped by someone, because my understanding of the English language is very small (I'm Italian).
I've been trying for a long time to get my RealMeteo portable included in the portableapps suite, but I haven't succeeded yet.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Have I forgotten any fulfillment required by the site regulation?
Thank you to anyone who will kindly help me understand where the problem lies.
[ Answer in Italian ]
[Post edited by user]
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From the license_ENG.txt file ↓↓
It's a demoware/adware, that requires registration, and maybe writes to the registry.
It can't be moved without being locked! Please read what a portable software is.
“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―
“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―
thanks for the clarification. In fact this is not the case and I will have to correct the file. That is valid only for the desktop version, while the portable version is truly portable, you can insert the USB dongle into any PC, and you're immediately operational. The portable version read the s/n of the USB FLASH DISK. so there really isn't a problem. If you install it on a new support instead you will need to make a new registration, because the s/n will be different.I hope this is not a problem.
I will correct the file and try to re-propose RealMeteo portable. I will also remove the images and advertising.
Thank you for help
RealMeteo Association
Your software is still not functional without registration. Unlike some freewares out here, that have some locked (advanced) functionalities.
If you wanna promote your app, contact the admins fore more details →
“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―
“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―
Se è un software demoware/adware non credo verrà mai approvato da Sono consentiti solo software Open Source oppure Freeware (anche quelli che estendono le loro funzionalità come Foxit Reader), ma non Demoware/Liteware.
C'è una sostanziale differenza tra gratuito (inteso come Freeware) e un software dimostrativo (Liteware/Demoware)
Su PortableFreeware, ad esempio, il tuo software non risulta ancora approvato.
If it is demoware/adware software, I don't think it will ever be approved by Only Open Source or Freeware software (even those that extend their functionality such as Foxit Reader), but not Demoware/Liteware are allowed.
There is a substantial difference between free (meaning Freeware) and a demonstration software (Liteware/Demoware)
On PortableFreeware, for example, your software is not yet approved.
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