the application Screenpresso consists of an EXE file.
When I start it, I can select to install it in my system or to run it portable.
In both cases the application data is stored in the %appdata% folder.
There is a command-line parameter to force Screenpresso to store the user-data in the folder of the EXE file:
I tested this by creating a link that contains the command line parameter and it works.
How can I start Screenpresso with the command-line-parameter via the PortableApps Launcher?
Unfortunately I can not right-click Screenpresso in the PortableApps Launcher and select Properties.
Here I can define a command-line-parameter.
This would be the most user-friendkly way
Just to prevent missunderstandings...
With the PA.c Launcher, you have to work with the launcher ini file (AppNamePortable.ini) in AppInfo and use the CommandLineArguments entry in the [Launch] section. (https://portableapps.com/manuals/PortableApps.comLauncher/)
The PA.c Menu itself does not support command line arquments natively. You have to use other ways to handle them. Quick and dirty: Create a batch to launch the app with the command line switch and use a bat to exe converter to create an exe that is recognized by the menu.
I've added a feature to the new 26.1 release I just posted to help: https://portableapps.com/support/platform#addingotherapps
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Great, thank you!