befor posting I searched a lot but there is no post like my problems. I want to know wah is my wrong? can use Environmen varible as a value of Launcher.ini but not working as a key of Launcher.ini pls see exp below.
Ini file
PortableApps.com Launcher.ini
for exp.
;making Environment
[FilesMove] ;or [DirectoriesMove]
lang\persian\persian.lng=%PAL:AppDir% ; works as well
lang\%LanguageCustom%\%LanguageCustom%.lng=%PAL:AppDir% ; not working for me
Sisi\SPC.ini=%PAL:AppDir% ; works as well
%SPCfolder%\SPC.ini=%PAL:AppDir% ; not working for me
You are missing the
prefix. You need to use%PAL:LanguageCustom%
in your FilesMove/DirectoriesMove code.not working with PAL: or without it
all Environment variable not working as a key of ini file
Problem found
I just don't know why in the following micro
in the DirectoriesMove.nsh & FilesMove.nsh
!macro _DirectoriesMove_Start & !macro _FilesMove_Start
ParseLocations not defined for "full path to source"
That custom language variable mentioned in the documentation has to be used in conjunction with the language features of the PA.c Launcher.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
sorry I reddit my post
It might be easier if you were to post the files you're working on in PRE tags. Also, take a look at an example in one of our officially released apps as how language switching is handled:
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
thank you