[I hope this is the correct Forum for this question]
I am in the habit of shutting down my computer [Win 10 OS] without closing the individual apps. I assume the OS will shut down anything that is open at that moment.
I am puzzled why apps (from PortableApps) feel it necessary to remind me that their apps 'did not shut down properly last time'. Is this really necessary? It is VERY annoying - a bit like a spinster aunt reminding me to take my shoes off every time I enter that house.
Is there a work-around? An option I can set to NOT remind me evey time?
Thanks for any pointers
When you shutdown Windows it basically force kills the apps, it doesn't let them close properly, which means the apps can't do the actions it needs to clean up their settings properly.
If you use the PortableApps Platform there is a setting (Options->Advanced->Close Apps On Platform Exit) that means you only need to remember to close one thing, not each app.
Great, thanks Ken!
I have had the option "close apps on platform exit" (under 'Advanced options') selected for a while now. However, it does not seem to work as advertised. I still get "App did not close properly". Is there a way to kill this behaviour? Thanks
Are you closing the Platform before shutting down? If not the same thing is still happening.
When Windows sends the shutdown signal, there is no queue or priority as to what happens, every process just gets killed in whatever order they happen to close, and there is no guarantee the Platform can shutdown any of your apps gracefully.
Hmm... so, not only do I have to remember to close the apps, I also have to remember to close the Platform? (Or at least close the Platform, rather than all the individual apps.) I'll give than a spin, thanks
Here are some more details on the why: https://portableapps.com/support/portable_app#didnotcloseproperly
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have seen that page. Not very helpful. Your pointers gave me hope. However, the issue keeps recurring.