I'm trying to use this startup script https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/11233/disable-ascii-contro... to disable the ctrl+shift+v shortcut from creating SYN characters.
I think it might be failing due to how notepad++ portable loads the configs. IE:
These folders are temporarily created when Notepad++ portable is opened correctly:
It moves them to one of those folders from:
Then when you close npp it moves them back.
That is where the luascript startup config is located.
I tried changing the luascript config in the temporary folders (App\Notepad++64\plugins\config) too by directly running the notepad++.exe file directly from the App\Notepad++64 folder, but that didn't work either.
If I open the lua startup script (startup.lua) and then select "execute this script" then it applies properly. But it doesn't save the loaded changes after restarting npp.
There's another method using a python startup script https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/25179/special-characters-w... which I assume would have the same problem.