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Will work fine on an external disc 3,600 RPM?

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Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-15 15:10
Will work fine on an external disc 3,600 RPM?

Hello guys,

I'm glad to find Firefox Portable. I believed something like that must exist. I would like to take my Firefox with my bookmarks and saved passwords everywhere with me on a USB flash disc. It will come in really handy especially on vacation, surfing the net in NetCafes.

I'm going to buy a USB flash disc on which I'll be using my Firefox Portable. I'd like to buy this one:
6GB USB flash / external disc and I can have it for as low as ~$40 only (I think it's a great price for a 6GB flash disc). However, this flash (external) drive has only 3,600 RPM (nominal) rotational speed. Won't it slow down my Firefox Portable?

Shall I rather buy a standard Corsair or A-Data flash drive? But these are more expensive.


BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26

Once Firefox loads into memory, it should run just fine from the WD disk.

One clarification: You refer top the WD product as a "6GB flash disc"'s a hard drive (not flash memory) hence the rotation speed quoted (3,600 RPM).

I thought I read some reviews of the WD saying the USB connector was weak and prone to breaking, but I can't find them and the reviews on look pretty good so I guess I was mixing some products up in my head.

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Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-15 15:10
Thank you for your reply and

Thank you for your reply and link to the review.

OK, so I'll buy the WD 6GB external hard drive. It comes with 3 years warranty, so they will give me a new one in case there are any problems with the connector.

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