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messanger app for secure standards

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Last seen: 1 hour 43 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
messanger app for secure standards

[ shortened / actualized ]
basically looking for a portable app supporting native modern secure messenger standards.
i can only remember of maybe using icq in the old times so please don't get rude.
native support of as many as possible, as plug-ins possible threat!
i hope for your kind assisstance!
many thanx!
have a good one!

[Moved to Request Apps forum by mod KH]

Last seen: 1 hour 43 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
i need the following

i need the following messanger in this order, as multi messanger or seperate:
first two high priority!

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

Last seen: 9 hours 33 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
wa for windows

I know that there is a wa for windows existing, but this does not work alone, you have to log in with your wa on a phone first and keep it running otherwise the wa on windows has no function. They will apparently not let anyone to use it unless with correct installation and account via your phone.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 1 hour 43 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
try free sms to bypass / any tips / hints?

i try to use free online sms to put this issue on lower priority but the two providers i used seem not to work as i didn't get a reaction and the folk would get back to me at 100%. i heard the sms need 6 hours or are not send or recived.

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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