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Enable Translation feature in Mozilla Firefox

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Last seen: 1 day 6 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-30 13:26
Enable Translation feature in Mozilla Firefox

Hi John,
I have recently view this post on Portable Freeware
In this post there is a workaround for enable Translation feature in Mozilla Firefox, for All Desktop releases (Standard, Beta, Nightly and ESR).
In short this workaround consist of change (enable) an internal feature that is disabled by default (this feature is currently in Beta).

Here is this workaround:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- start workaround

A. Enable Translation feature in Mozilla Firefox
By default the translation feature is disabled in Firefox as the feature is under development and testing phase. Mozilla team has provided a hidden secret preference/flag to manually activate and enable the native translations feature in Firefox.
1. In Firefox (even Portable) type about:config and confirm
2. type translations in search filter and confirm
3. the item 'browser.translations.enable' is disabled by default: change preference from false to true
4. restasrt Firefox (Desktop or Portable)

B. Download Offline Translation packs in Mozilla Firefox
When you enable the translations feature in Firefox, it also adds a new section to Firefox Options.
1. Go to settings -> General -> Translations
2. Translations: Download languages ​​for offline translation.
3. select Your favorite language and press 'download'
this language is almost always English [Mozilla Firefox uses, luckily, only one pack for All english versions (USA, GB, CA and australian)].
-> The language packs to download is the Origin language: i.e. the language of the site to be translated. Effectively Firefox for Desktop uses the same logic as in Firefox Nightly for Android.
-> The offline translation symbol (X/A) appears only when opening sites in other languages.

and for Firefox Portable Legacy (ESR):

If You have Firefox Portable Legacy (for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) now the version is 115.15.0 no problem: Biggrin
1. Go to Extensions -> search Firefox Translations add-on and install it
2. Enable Translation feature in Mozilla Firefox -> see above
3. Download Offline Translation packs in Mozilla Firefox -> see above

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end workaround

I don't kwow where is stored this change (is changed the executable itself?) or a configuration file?
If You have a bit of time, maybe You can investigated and, if possible, enable this feature be default in All Your Firefox builds.

I have tried this feature and it works very well.

Thank a lot.

Last seen: 1 day 6 hours ago
Joined: 2011-04-30 13:26
where are stored modification made with about:config

I don't kwow where is stored this change (is changed the executable itself?) or a configuration file?

I have found where Firefox stores changes made when modifying about:config:
the change 'browser.translations.enable", true' is stored in the file prefs.js located in 'C.\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\profile'.
This change is at row nr. 97 with description: user_pref("browser.translations.enable", true);.
So if I update Firefox Portable All settings contained in folder 'FirefoxPortable\Data' (and also the old 'prefs.js' file) will overwritten by program update.

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