I just made my Partition Magic 8.0 portable. However, whenever used in conjunction with the PortableApp's menu, the entire directory of files shows up in the list of applications. Is there a loader program I can use to link to PMagic.exe in a subfolder? This is what I am thinking:
Thumb:\PortableApps\PartitionMagicPortable\LOADER.exe (points to PMagic.exe so all the files aren't shown in the PortableApps Menu)
to take care of the problem you use a launcher template and put it in john's format of {name of folder}\app and include {name of folder}\data {name of folder}\other. compile it w/ nsis. point the template exe to the name of your exe that want to run.
This should work, take the following...
Create a folder name "Partion Magic" wherever you'de like.
Paste all the text within that box into Notepad, save it as PartitionMagicPortable.nsi to the folder you just created, and make sure "Save as Type" is set to "All Files".
Now, in the same directory put the partition magic icon, it should be called "PartionMagicPortable.ico". If you don't know how to get the icon, you can try downloading IcoFX (Google it), and going to File->Extract, then open PMagic.exe, and extract the main icon. Save it as what I just said in the folder you made.
Now, download NSIS Portable and extract it. Run the program and drag and drop "PartionMagicPortable.nsi" into the open NSIS window, it should compile with no errors, now you just have to put it in the format with the folder setup you mentioned in your original post. Make sure it's App\PartitionMagic\PMagic.exe as the setup of your folders, and the launcher goes in the same directory as the App folder.
Note, make sure you save it properly in notepad, NOT as a text file. Hope this works for you.
I felt so different without a signature.
Thanks for the code for NSIS.. helped me out a lot!
But in the beggining, it's all John Haller's work, just gotta give him some credit.
I felt so different without a signature.