Firefox 3 is focused on improved memory handling, performance, and stability, improved XUL, and new core components such as application data stored in SQLite. Firefox 3 could break a few existing extensions and applications built on top of Firefox, and it will definitely include new optimizations if you like to build on the popular browser. Firefox 3 should have additional JavaScript and SVG features if you're into that sort of thing.
As All PreRelease of FireFox 3.0 Alpha its Code Name is also MineField. Its Based on Gecko 1.9 Alpha 5
i was wondering why there isnt a portable version of this out yet
sorry if im wrong but ill post a file link for the windows version
There isn't a portable version because it is still in Alpha testing stages, which means there's a good chance it is unstable, and still has a lot of work to be done. the most recent full release of firefox is
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Also it's code-name is Gran Paradiso not Minefield (anymore).
Hayden Dekok
I am typing this comment on GranParadisoPortable! Or a moonshined, bastardized version thereof.
This new amalgam has shown no functional problems for about thirty minutes (update: seven hours, four extensions and two restarts) and counting, so I won't be held liable if anything bad happens (or, more likely, simply doesn't work), but anyway:
NB: Do not overwrite your existing FirefoxPortable directory, create a new one! I can think of a million reasons for and not one against.
PS: John Haller, how tedious do you think the actual porting is going to be? (:
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