Yeah wallpaper swapper like they have on the U3 system its rly cool all you need is a wallpaper and rename it wallpaper.bmp and it automatically switches the wallpaper every time you start the menu (when you insert your flash drive)I would really like to see this because i do not want to go out and buy a U3 preloaded flash drive because 1: my current drive is pretty good and 2: im broke. the program can be found here on the U3 download directory:
Yeah search next time. I'll do it for you now:
You can make any flash disk u3 compatible...
Actually its this URL: [Link removed at request of poster by mod Tim]
Im gonna try it now. If it works... maybe we can make a launcher for Portable Apps for it instead
Almost looks like the app would already expect an U3 compatible device...
It's been discussed a number of times... the customizer only works on a U3-branded drive. Period. You can't use it on normal flash drives, iPods, portable hard drives, etc.
And portable apps are far more widely used than u3 apps... it was usually on the order of 10x to 30x as many downloads for a portable version vs a u3 version. That's one of the reasons that Sandisk is abandoning u3 and trying to do something else with Microsoft.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Agreed. The site seemed wrongly suggest to be able to make any drive 'U3' compatible. I still like the idea of such a system although I dont want a closed sourced solution.
My Fingerprint protected drives are not U3 but uses a CD-ROM part and normal partitions. (And i made it so PA menu starts) Hmm I wish i could make a cd partition on a normal drive though... Not to be used as U3 drive but as a normal autostarting one.
Scandisk and MS are working on the new format, but to me its like U3. MS will be able to autostart it well and I rather have something that's open for all.
Sorry about the misinformation...
BTW, maybe remove the link as the basic stuff included in the ISO delivered with the download sounds like malware!
"BTW, maybe remove the link as the basic stuff included in the ISO delivered with the download sounds like malware!"
Yes, it is malware.
Link removed per your request.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
this method worked on my verbatim non-u3 store n' go...
Verbatim and a couple other companies were still making drives with u3 hardware in them even after it was clear that u3 failed in the marketplace. I believe they just removed the u3 branding and software and kept selling the drives for a certain amount of time.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
of the Platform has a walpaper swapper built in.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Lol, this post was from June 13th eh, the guy above just bumped it over half a year.