Okay, as far as I can tell: no registry entries. , Though I may have missed something. Feedback appreiciated.
I use this tool when performing maintenence on my dad's computer. (He's a DBA, but just hates Windows, so I'm his "admin assistant" lol. He needs his comuter to dail into work.) Usually, when I'm running maintenence, I'm tinkering with my own, while anti-virus, -malware, -spyware, and defrag etc. (in succession!) are running on his. Problem is, he has a security screensaver going, and I can't be bothered to remember the password. !!! So I just run this little proggie till I'm done:
"If you have problems with your PC locking or going to sleep, caffeine will keep it awake. It works by simulating a keypress once every 59 seconds, so your machine thinks you're still working at the keyboard, so won't lock the screen or activate the screensaver.
The icon is shown above - it's the leftmost one in the task tray, and this is all you see. Double-clicking the icon empties the coffee pot (that's what the icon is) and temporarily disables the program. Double-clicking it again refills the pot, and will keep your machine awake.
Windows 98: Caffeine works by simulating left shift key down and up events every 59 seconds.
Windows 2000/XP: Caffeine works by simulating a left shift key up event every 59 seconds.
Of all the key presses available, shift is probably the least intrusive, and least likely to interfere with your work. "
Looks like there are some others interesting things there also.
...Properties....Screensaver....Power....System standby?
Ever used USB "downunder"?
Ever used USB "downunder"?
works good
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
~Sigh~ One thing to keep in mind: the people that I do maintenence etc. for (especially my paranoid dad, prolly where I get it from), usually don't like their settings to be changed, as it is too easy to forget to reset them. This is not a tool that I use CONSTANTLY, only when I need a computer to remain available for a short time without lockout occuring. I use it on my own when I get tired of typing in my password because I was looking at a site too long; in the case of my father's computer, like I said, I couldn't remember the password if my LIFE depended on it!
I never take off my password because I've seen too many things happen to my friend's, and their parent's computers.
Just something that makes life a little more secure, though it helps if you remember to turn the proggie off.
Edit: Though I do thank you for the suggestion.