PortableApps Menu Mod r13 is out!
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File is in RAR format, use 7-Zip, WinRAR or another RAR-compatable archive extractor to extract it. To install, just drop the folder into your PortableApps folder and follow the instructions in 'readme_mod.txt' to install any locale or theme files.
Thanks to Tewan for hosting, and everyone else who offered ;).
EDIT: Because of the huge response to PAM MOD, and the fact we got to two pages in under a day in this topic, Tewan and I have set up a forum for PAM MOD (I hope I'm not breaking any rules <.>
c[x. lolz nice. finally 11 is out great workk man
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
I'm liking this mod. Good work.
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
I had a few ideas I'd like, not sure how much of a hassle it would be though.
1. Make the window movable.
2. Have an option to show in the taskbar also instead of just the system tray.
3. Password protection >:D
edit: Oh yeah, check your mail when you get a chance; I'm not sure if you got that post in the last thread.
another Idea I'd like would be the possibility to change the order of the Apps and place seperators ....
Hmm... Changing the order of the Apps should be possible, but separators might be a bit hard.
1. Possible already by using OffsetX and OffsetY in the theme.ini file
2. Surprisingly hard 0.o. I'll work on it a bit more tomorrow
3. Pretty pointless really, as you can just delete/rename the ini file and it'll lose the password.
c[x. icons still not auto changing when u switch theme
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
I see that - Changed 'Refresh App Icons' to 'Refresh Menus' wasn't changed either...
Something that might fix the icons thing is to do the Refresh Menus after you change the theme, maybe he could automate that?
c[x. also, what size does the banner.bmp hav to be?
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Hmm, try 265x65 first.
Well here's what theme.ini has.
c[x. ==' this banner thing is such a hassle. i thnk i'll just stick with the original portable apps logo. lolz!
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
It should've been, it's renamed on mine. Click on Help and double-check that it's version 11.
c[x. but the refresh app icon didn't change to refresh menu or somthing yet.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
c[x. don't forget to replace the old locale file. then open the menu, go options, language, then click on the new locale file. it should change sstuff to "refresh menu"
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
c[x mean???
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
c[x. oh nothing it's just a little face. makes it easier to find my post when i look through these mountain for posts
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Odd, it works for me. Can you point me to the theme you're using, and does it happen with other themes?
c[x. lolz sorri ahah but the icons seem to change now haha. my bad >
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Awesome work, it works amazingly!
Did you implement global hotkeys in this version?
Yup. Shift-Win for show/hide and X for exit ;).
Shift THEN Win doesn't work, but Win THEN Shift does.
Also, some keyboards *still* don't have the windows key, think you could change that?
Sure. Shift-F11 will be an alternative hotkey in R12.
Is there any way to have the wallpaper changer set the wallpaper to stretch or center, rather than just tile?
Hmm, looks like you need to set TileWallpaper after all. I've also found a bug that makes it impossible to restore centered wallpapers properly, so I don't recommend using it until I release R12.
c[x. if PAM fails to locate the skin, a empty white msg box just pops up. there's no message or anything in that box.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
D'oh! I was loading the theme before the locale, so it didn't know what to display :P. Fixed now.
I can't seem to click on the help button when I resize it and such... look for your self.
Skin DL
I tried resizing it, moving it, and boom! doesn't work anymore. (it's in the top left, not aligned correctly at the moment, just trying to get it working.)
c[x. nice theme. haha it's nice and simple. lolz! i thnk i know why your help button doesn't work, the search button is overlapping the help button. try moving the search button to the right abit. see if that helps. mayb i'll try it out my self c[x
edit: hmm... mayb not, or mayb it's just that i'm editing it rong c[x.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Nah, I tried that too... I don't know why it's doing it.
edit: anywho, back to work... moving backup and options now
Nooooo! It's doing it with all my other buttons too. :(!!!
c[x. lolz i did manage to click on the help. move it away from the search and shorten the length of the help, u made it Width=280.
lolz i manage to make is clickable by using this
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
/me shoots himself in the head...
Strange, they work perfectly fine on the right side... check it out.
Skin DL 2
Whenever I switch to and then away from your theme, it leaves Pictures Video and Search in black font, while resetting all the other right menu text to white. this doesn't get fixed until I restart the menu app.
Oops, my bad. I forgot to fix that in the default theme.ini :P.
The PortableAppsLogo is on top of the buttons, so you're clicking on the logo instead of the buttons (even when it's invisible). Set their height, width, left and top parameters to 0 ;).
Despite what seems to me like controls for the Portable apps logo banner, I can't seem to disable it. Which set of options in the time.ini controls the position/visibility?
Put this in your theme directory...
That's the BMP transparency color so you'll see nothing. Make sure you have it named as header.bmp
Theme.INI no longer contains visibility settings for the Portableapps banner, it messed up the logo on older systems. Instead, use a transparent bmp like Tewan posted , or set the Height and Width to 0 (untested, but should work).
c[x. that does work. nice, it's better then the empty banner.bmp, as when you switch themes the logo will display. though it should be able to do the same thing even when you use the banner.bmp. it should revert to the default portableapps.com logo when a theme has no banner.bmp
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
c[x. can you can make it so we can change the amount of programs displayd at once in the progrma list. so we have the option to make the list longer
that'd be great
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
? I'm not sure what you meant by that, but if you have more apps than will wit, the scroll bar activates. Changing the height of the list would invalidate all of the themes currently in existence, and changing which apps you see is as easy as right clicking certain apps and setting them to Hide, then using the Options Unhide option to show all hidden apps, and then hide all hidden apps.
One of the suggestions, under consideration for future releases, is a folder tree in the App list, and another is tabs with grouped programs.
Does your suggestion fall into any of that? if not, elaborate
What he means is there's a preset limit of apps until the scrollbar enables.
For example, I'll get upto (random number) 20 apps then the program adds a scroller for the 21st... he wants to know if he can make the list bigger, that way he can make a theme with a huge list instead of the preset amount. (or a tiny list)
When you click on an application in the menu, you're actually clicking on one of 20 buttons, each corresponding to an application.
The menu stores all the apps in a giant list and all the buttons in another list.
When we display the buttons (IE after startup or refreshing), we make a new list of apps and copy that list to the list of buttons, ignoring any that can't fit (and hiding any extra buttons). This means that (on a normal version of PAM) apps 1-20 will display. When we scroll down, we just tell the application to ignore the first application in the list, and when we scroll up we tell it not to.
By dynamically adding more buttons and sticking them in a bigger list, we can make the menu longer. In fact, the only mention of 20 in the entire process is when the list is made (easily fixed), so the real problem is adding buttons (which is actually quite simple if you know how to do it).
c[x. lolz yeh that's what i ment
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
ah. right, the new theme config system allows for resizing and repositioning. my bad ^_^
really en excellent mod what i need..
one more suggestion: group function for multipl programs like openoffice. something like Pstart has. is it possible?
a human never fails but stop trying...
This kind-of falls into the application sorting category... meaning it'd not be able to be implemented soon.
When the menu is set to always visible, a left click on the tray icon doesn't set the menu as the active window like it would if the menu was hidden. Could you add that into the next release?
I noticed that, but forgot :P. Fixed ;).
Found one!
Application buttons arn't moveable... :(!
I tried adding Left=210 or so to see if it would still move and it did not.
Technically not a bug, but I've fixed it anyway ;).
Nice work, just two minor nits to pick
With the fade effect disabled, when showing the menu, it first shows a black window and then the menu in that window, producing a flicker that's a teeny bit annoying.
It would be nice if it checked for changes to the available themes when showing the themes menu, rather than having to restart the app, maybe by just checking the modification time on the themes directory. Failing that, an option to rescan the themes directory explicitly.
Refresh Menus will rescan the directory ;). I won't make it refresh on menu display, because it can take a while on slower flash drives (like mine :P), and it can be really annoying if you select it by mistake.
As for the flicker, I've fixed it. No idea how or why it works now, but it does :P.
c[x. the header.bmp doesn't revert to the defualt portable apps.com when you swtich to a theme without a banner.bmp. PAM should use the original portableapps.com header if when switching theme and the header.bmp is not avaliable for that theme.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
And to add to this, the font colors do not update either.
For which buttons? The Pictures, Search and Video buttons have the code implemented but the theme.ini in R11 is outdated, so they won't work :(.
Is there a way to change the font color on the app list?
Edit: Forget I asked. I figured it out
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
hi guys
Mirror R11
German Locale updated to R11
P.S there are two new strings in the menu
if u wanna rename there is an prompt
and the two buttons showing cancel and ok
is it possible to set it in locale file
do u got an email adress i can reach u .
you can send it to me in my kontakt form on
Those are controlled by Delphi, and unfortunately the only way I know of to change them is to modify the program's source code :(.
Anyone want the french translation?
I did it.
Y'a t'il quelqu'un d'intéressé à avoir la traduction française de ce menu?
Je l'ai faite.
post the link so it could be downloaded man

i belive there are enough taking it if they can
c[x. here's a theme i made in my free time. thanx to the ability to remove the portableapps.com logo i am able to make an almost exact replica of the vista start menu. it even has that little picture box sticking out on the top right c[x ahahz a left is black so you could add you own image into it
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Simple, elegant, fits in... I like it :). I'd recommend moving [imgPortableAppsLogoPixel] over the little black box, that way you'd be able to stick a BMP in and have it display there ;).
c[x. there done, lolz! great suggestion thanx
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
good job
c[x. hmm.. there seems to be something rong. if i put an image that has white background. it will make those white areas transparent. shouldn't it only do this with that pink colour? i thnk it also does this with every other colour. if you hav an image with a brown(and other colours) border, that part will be become see through . it'd be great if you could fix this. also when you swtich to a theme without a header.bmp it should use the defauly portableapps.com logo instead of using the header.bmp from the previous theme
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Hmm... I'm not entirely sure, but I *think* the upper-left pixel determines the transparency of the image. In other words, if that pixel is purple, then everything that shade of purple will become transparent. If it's white, everything white becomes transparent. Same with any color. Unless there are any objections, I'll probably leave it like that so you can change the transparency color if you're using FF00FF (or whichever color I'd use or transparency).
c[x. can't you make this an option? like put it as an option in the theme.ini so u can pick which colours are transparent. or if the theme.ini isn't avaliable in the theme then it'll use the defualt colour like FF00FF.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Hey can I put a link to your site on my site?
Just wanted to ask permission before doing so
:My Website (Still under development):
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I don't mind, but it's more up to netdroid since he's the creator.
Sure, I don't mind :).
Thank you SO much for adding ALL of the features I asked, I can't believe you did, you are very efficient, and I will have to admit, I love this so much more than the original now, no offence to John, because he did start it all and writecreate the original menu, as well as made MANY great apps portable.
But thank you SO MUCH netroid, this is AMAZING!
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
c[x. would it be possible for you to add text options such as bold,italics,underline etc. to the menu? so we change change the option in the theme.ini
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Sure! I've exposed the TFontStyle structure, so you can set Strikeout, Underline, Bold and Italic.
c[x. lolz! you can practically change everything to do with the interface of PAM now
great work 
Firefox or Firefox?
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
I can't seem to get the header.bmp to work. Can someone please tell me th SPECIFIC path that it should be in and how to enable it.
Thank you very much.
:My Website (Still under development):
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Good luck. ;P
Big question?
can you add a button to hide on/off the wallpaper like this PAM: http://www.mediafire.com/?05h21a2jld5
and a same path for wallpapers like this version.?
and when you swith the theme, the wallpaper switch too?
the r11 mod is a great thing i like it. a Wallpaper batton and its perfect.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I've added all of your suggestions. However, unlike the original wallpaper-changer mod I'm using a menu option to enable/disable the wallpaper swapper.
hi !
hmmm it would be cool if u could add the vista-mini theme and the french and german locales to the base install file.
only a suggestion
As much as I like the Vista theme, I'm going to avoid including it in case Microsoft gets ticked off at me, and also because it'll add 300kb to the download size (which isn't much, but it all adds up). As for translations, I'm considering adding them as they're small and simple, but it'd mean delaying releases when I change the locale files.
ok i forgot the nice redmonder company hehe
The message box 'Add A New App' is half sized (and resize able) in R11, so the text is cut off in languages other than English!
First I want to say great work on this mod so far!
1. I want to shift the app buttons a little to the right. Is this possible currently?
2. Would it be possible to use images on the app buttons? Make them actual buttons with normal, selected , and pressed states , with customizable fonts for each state.
3. Can the wallpaper be specified in the theme.ini?
3.1 I'd suggest a menu item like...
Wallpaper > None
that should cover all the bases for wallpaper
3.2 I like the idea of a common directory for wallpapers, maybe "x:PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Wallpapers" We would then be able to setup the theme archives to extract to "x:PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data" and have everything dumped to the proper folders.
4. Could you make an option to have the Backup button point to a seperate program?
I don't know if I would make use of it but I thought some of the people who use other backup apps, like Toucan, might like that feature.
I know that in R12 you'll be able to position the app buttons.