Around the same time I discovered, I also remember reading about another portable OS system that allows ANY app to be installed within this system. I remember it was created by a group of programmers from India, and the app had a slightly unusual name. Does anyone remember this software.
This app permitted the user to plug and play an entirely private environment that permitted installation of any app, such as Photoshop or whatever. And without having to adjust the bios to login into this portable, private environment.
I figured the participants of this forum would know of other software or applications that are similar to portableapps (even if they are commercial software)
Portable apps will pick up any executable file under it's directory. You can install anything you want into the directory and Portable apps will find and put it into the menu. You do not need to have it in a special format. The special format although is handy for a few different reasons. For example, if you're program uses .exe's like an updater because if it is in the same folder as the wanted executable it will be picked up as well.
Jacob Mastel
Release Team Member
Thinstall 3.1 Virtualization Suite
"Thinstall is an Application Virtualization Platform that enables complex software to be delivered as self-contained EXE files which can run instantly with zero installation from any data source. The core of Thinstall VS is the Virtual Operating System, a small light-weight component which is embedded with each “Thinstalled” application."
Don't know anything about it, just remembered seeing it...
" "
As all of ya should know Micro$oft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or FreeBSD on yer Windows comp.
I ran into something like that,, it's call mojopac.
The website is h**p://
Hope that helps..
and its InstallEverything addon (together they cost $60) but you can portablize things better than InstallEverythin with JauntePE (InstallEverything would not work woth Google Earth, but JauntePE did!) JauntePE worked with every app I wanted to portablize except for one.
As all of ya should know Micro$oft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or FreeBSD on yer Windows comp.