Hi together, I'm using along time PortableThunderbird. But it's 32bit and I use a 64bit machine. I know nothing about porting a app to a portable app, but... I think/hope that it is no so difficult. So please could someone port the thunderbird64 version to ThunderbirdPortable64 ??
Thanks alot
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Thunderbird 64bit
July 22, 2007 - 11:18am
Thunderbird 64bit
The 64bit release only works on 64bit machines with WinXP or Vista 64bit installed. That would be less than 0.0001% of PCs... so it wouldn't really be portable... and you're certainly not going to encounter one in the wild.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
yes sure, you are right, but my problem is, that I'm swiching between XP64 and Vista64 and I find now way to use the same profiles on both OS. Only with portable apps it works.
Shit happens