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ActiveX Question Part 2

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Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-08-13 08:47
ActiveX Question Part 2

Hello all,

I really appreciate the effort of every one in this forum. I have really acquire alot from your postings. I am currently developing an application (ActiveX control), which can be to use to configure Human Interface devices through a web browser (IE7).

My application is running from a flash disk. When i logon as administrator, my application works perfectly. As a standard user, I cannot register the control.

My concern now is how can i modify my control such that I don't need to register it, in other words make it portable. I will be grateful for any hint to walk around this challenge. Thanks for your replies in advance.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-06 15:57
Active X

I believe this is standard behavior in XP after SP2. Didn't used to have this pesky problem till the Active X mechanism was used and abused by scumbags on the internet.
It really is too dangerous to have an open door to the world with full hardware level access.

So in a nutshell, an admin can change some settings in the browser to allow this, but I won't tell you how and this is default behavior and it is dangerous. If I tell you, I won't be able to sleep at night, knowing that you just opened God knows how many systems up to so DDoS or Zombie attacks or something.

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 21 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The bottom line is that you can't do that and that it is by design due to security reasons. Browser-based ActiveX is kinda dead except for specific intRAnet uses.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-08-13 08:47
Any Alternative Solution?


thanks for the comments, I understand that ActiveX can be dangerous. I (administrator) can change the settings of my PC such that a user can install my control. But that is not my aim.

My application is a web page that can be used to configure a device via activeX control. From what you guys wrote, now i understand that it impossible due to the structure of Windows XP sp2 security.

I intend to run my application from a USB data logger device which also has USB mass storage capabilities. My microcontroller is not very powerful(cannot transfer data at a fast rate), reason why i turn to use a web page (because if its code size).

I am new to programming and I don't know any other means to approach this challenge. I will appreciate any solution that can help solve my problems.

I intend to make my application public(and also in the direction of PortableApp),
so that user (with/without admin privilege)can customize it and configure as well as read from his/her USB data logger. Thank for your comments in advance.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-06 15:57
languages avail.

How about using a program called by the web page? Javascript may work, unless turned off. I have read that you can embed or call C code from HTML, Objective C and Perl also. I assume there are others.

Don't know if that helps.

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-08-13 08:47
thanks for the suggestion

I want to believe you are right. Have to do some research. Hope I find the answer to my request.

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