how to make PortableFirefox not saving any temporary files or some other stuff on host operating system?
And is there any working method to make PortableFirefox running completely in read-only mode? Perhaps except bookmark-manager
I want to make sure not leaving any traces in operating system i ***used*** to start PortableFirefox.
***) Is PortableFirefox linked statically?
Really running stand-alone?
Tips and tricks are appreciated.
This is the whole point behind portable firefox.
Only a single file is left behind on the host operating system. a plugin registry. This can be alleviated by creating a userprofile directory within your portablefirefox directory. The one side effect is that when clicking Desktop in File Open or Save, you'll get a Desktop not found error. (This can be partially alleviated by creating a Desktop directory within the userprofile directory). This is mentioned under Known Issues in support. All apps that leave a trace file are detailed under Known Issues.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks for that great hint which I only now realized. It works perfectly!
Kind regards, ao