On the topic of portable limewire, why use a single protocol P2P client when shareaza is open source (and a portable shareaza thread can be found through searching) already exist?
Is there any way to take that with me? No? Give me 10 minutes... Maybe an hour...
Is there any way to take that with me? No? Give me 10 minutes... Maybe an hour...
There is a search button at the top there. USE IT!
For the third time has come crawling back to portable apps...
All caps + old subject = locked thread.
I agree, bahamut.
On the topic of portable limewire, why use a single protocol P2P client when shareaza is open source (and a portable shareaza thread can be found through searching) already exist?
Is there any way to take that with me? No? Give me 10 minutes... Maybe an hour...
Is there any way to take that with me? No? Give me 10 minutes... Maybe an hour...