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PA launched as a novell script

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PA launched as a novell script

My school has a student drive that is unique to each student where we can securely place files. I installed portable apps on my student drive, installed the programs I wanted, and it works awesome.

For anybody out there that has access to a mapped drive and uses novell to login, here's a little trick I figured out. You can have novell launch portableapps upon login, so you don't have to browse around for it every time you login, and you don't have to carry around a flash drive.

If you right click on the red "N" icon in the tray, go up to "User Administration for (network)". Next go to "Edit Login Script...". After that you need to add the script that launches the program. Here is the example of mine.


Just replace the drive letter and path, and optionally add command lines afterwards.

I also have a link to pidgin to start on login, you can bypass the portable apps program and straight up start programs if you want (at least for the few I've tried).

Anyway, just thought I'd share my new use for this program.

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and on that note...

I don't recommend that you put apps on your net folder (e-folio, J drive, H drive, whatever your school calls it) because we (people in my classes) got in trouble just for having programs on our net drives. Every file got deleted from our drives, including our class' projects files (It caused many a person to get a 0 on projects).
Just a little warning...
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