You are here Portable 2.3 BETA German

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MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08 Portable 2.3 BETA German

Hi @all,
in the past the German (Language) team has released two versions of OOo Portable.

One version released here on was the one You know (without python support) same as the en version. The other one with python support was released on /

Now we plan to release only one version in the future, Portable with Python Support as option for additional install.

I don't know Johns plans for Portable 2.3 but if he like it, it could be a solution for the en version too.

Please keep in mind, this version uses the launchers and structure of the last version 2.2.1 without any modification (accept the version entry in help.html and appinfo.ini). If there will be any change in the final en release, there will be in the de version too.

The German beta has on more option, additional dictionaries. In the past we've removed non German dict files to get the package smaller. With this Beta You could install the non German dicts as option.

Please have a little look at this version an let us know if You'll find any problems.

As we have still no write access to the pa directory on sf You'll find the beta here:
(Details: md5sum: 1ee286af8402e0950926d573d32fd60e size: 77.7 MB package / installed: 158.4 MB, 167.6 with python, 211.7 MB with add. dicts, 220.8 MB with python and add. dicts)

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 14 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Some Issues

Marko, there are some issues we'll need to go over:

1. You didn't include the installer source code, which is required.

2. I noticed that you're repackaging the Suite and many of the apps here into a Suite copycat project called " Portable Plus". The whole point of having one main project is so that we don't have multiple "me too" projects like this with different installers and other random bits. This is one of the reasons I was going to make you an overall mod/release tech.

3. You're again violating the licensing agreement I have with Mozilla by repackaging Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird into your Suite copycat project. We've gone over this more than once and you said you were clear and wouldn't violate the agreement again.

I'm hoping that, once again, this is a misunderstanding. But, I'm beginning to get discouraged by the number of misunderstandings that have taken place to this point.

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MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
Some answers

1. Youre right, this was a fault (of this Beta) and will be fixed soon
2. As said it again and again, the only reason to do that was that we were unable to upload it to the right directory. You've said we have to put the packages on sf in order to offer it on, but we have no right todo it on the right place. But we think we have to upload it to sf cause it's the right place. So please don't change the timeline of Cause and consequence.
If You want I'll remove every !!! file on this project.
3. See above. If there was a way to upload it to the portableapps Project I'll never ever upload it to another place.

I hope You'll see that's a really misunderstanding.
In the past we have really changed every issue You gave us up, we work hard on the German pages on

Please think about Your words an the issues in the past...
Last time we don't release a German Portable before there was en version in order to show You our good will.

But if You dont trust in my good will and my words so let me know it, remove me from an wereever You want.

I have a lot of work to do on other places like and other projects.
I'm still believe in the Great idea of

Kind regards

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 hours 14 min ago
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Responses / Moving Forward

1. I figured it was just an oversight

2. I can understand uploading the German translations of some of the apps here to your other project due to the SF release tech permissions issue, but I can't understand repacking and renaming the Suite to something else.

3. This is the serious one because what you're doing is illegal (it's a violation of trademark and copyright law) regardless of any other permissions issues.

Marko, I do believe you have good intentions regarding what we're trying to accomplish here. The problem is that every time I've decided that I will give you admin rights, it seems that something happens that makes me question the decision. in this case, the Mozilla license violation.

I'm truly sorry if the response above seemed harsh. It wasn't intended as such. Though I was a bit upset (and exhausted) when I wrote it.

In the spirit of moving things forward, I've added both you and Andreas to the project on SourceForge. I've also made both you and Ryan McCue release technicians, so you can add file releases to the main project. Please feel free to post any of the translations of apps to the existing releases as additional files and to post the next test release of OOP to the Pre-Releases group (but please label it as 'new installer test' or something of that nature).

Getting back onto the topic of this thread, I like the idea of options within OOP... but I'll create a new post about this so it doesn't get lost in this thread.

Kind Regards,

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Steve Lamerton
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hate to seem like a bit of an arse, but will I ever get permissions to upload on Sourceforge? (Although thinking about it I could just send my stuff to Ryan).


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Ryan McCue
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Thanks John. Note to self: put Pre-releases up on SourceForge.
Any chance of "moving forward" with that Miro email? I'd like to get it finalised before the end of my holidays.

Oh and Steve, you can send it to me. I'll make sure to respond within a week Blum
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!

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MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Thank You John ...

... for this post, and let's go.

At first I'll remove all the mozilla stuff from OpenOfficePortablePlus Project on SF soon.

But before I will make another fault. It is legal to upload them to the Project? The packages are double checked as posted in the past.
If not,is there any way to produce legal native lang version of the mozilla related portables?

I will upload the fixed version of Portable German 2.3.1 Installer Test (with Installer source) but more on Your other post to it.

If all packages are on the right place on the project page there is no need for the OpenOfficePortablePlus project.

Kind regards


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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 14 min ago
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Licensing and Translations

Howdy Marko,

It's not the translated versions of Firefox, etc that were the issue... those are just fine and you can upload them to the project now. As long as you're taking my standard installers and packages and just translating them, that's perfectly fine. The problem this time was around you packaging Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird into a 'suite'. I have permission from Mozilla regarding packaging them into a suite of applications. But this permission does not extend to 3rd parties (ie, your Portable Plus package). Firefox Portable et al can only be redistributed as the intact Installation packages that I make available. It's part of the licensing agreement.

So, please upload the TB and FF portable German packages to the already-existing releases on the project. I'll be posting the changes shortly. And upload the OOP test version to the Pre-Releases project as a new release.

Also, when you get a chance, let me know your thoughts around what to give as options in the other post in this thread. I'd like to come up with a solid set of no more than say 2 or 3 optional components. Or maybe a "Complete", "Typical" and "Minimal" install. (Complete being everything, Typical ditching Python and the additional languages and Minimal ditching Help as well). Most users will have no clue what Python is, for instance.

Best Regards,

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Ryan McCue
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There's that howdy again Blum
BTW, is the cartoon the guy you use for your avatars?
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Maybe I'm blind ...

... but there are no packages for TB FF OOo on the project on sf.
BTW: Please send the script to markomlm[at] because of my hyperactive aol spam filters.

Kind Regards

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MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Mozilla stuff hided

Hi John,
till the mozilla related stuff will be online on the Project folder on SF I hide all the files on
in order to keep the links from the german Pages to it avaiable and hide them on the Portable Plus Project.


PS: If You've some minutes to send me Your script I'll be happy Smile

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 14 min ago
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Installer Options

I like the idea of having options in the OO installer. The full install is around 211MB with Python and the added dictionaries using my current compression scripts (I'll send them to you by email). In my testing, I'd found a full install at 211MB, a no python install at 203MB and a minimal install (without removing additional dictionaries) at 184MB.

We should discuss what options should be available and only present the ones that save a good amount of space. I was considering leaving Python in all installs since it's only 8MB now. Perhaps we could make the help files an option and the added dictionaries an option. The only downside is that we'll need to compile special launchers for each language, which is a decent amount of extra work.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Good idea!

+1 to make python standard and help files and dicts optional.

As I offered it in the past ... I will create the launcher / package for every (released)native lang version of OOo You want. But perhaps we'll find a solution for a multi-lang launcher.

I'll waiting for Your script and will upload the fixed/updated version to on sf.


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When will we see the Release ?

I like OOo Portable 2.3 and I am already using it (although it's "beta").

But when will we see the release of OpenOffice Portable 2.3 German ?

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-14 05:55
Any newer build than 2.3 RC1 available?

I was actually just hoping I'd get lucky and find a finished portable OOo 2.3 release (German is just fine with me), but there doesn't seem to exist one. was the most recent (?) I could find.

I've got nothing against a bit of beta testing, but I'd prefer to do it on a new beta or RC (which AFAIK would be an OOo 2.4), in case there is one Smile

Or are the "RC" and "TR" figures the Portableapps figures, different from OOo RC numbers?


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