Because Flash Drives have a limited numbers of write/delete I was wondering if the Portable Apps provided by PAM use a RAM Drive to use as temporary HDD storage instead the flash drive itself.
Does anyone know a good way to implement it?
Hmm I just realised this might not be possible as a ramdisk would rely on an system file to be installed :/
Hmm I just realised this might not be possible as a ramdisk would rely on an system file to be installed :/
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
U3 temporarily copies its apps to the hd to reduce the IO to the flash drive. You could probably set up something similar for PAM. Create a CMD script, change the AUTORUN to invoke it, ....
could be possible. dont know how but i know that many apps use a ram only based service after loading into the ram. (they are executed from harddrive but do not touch the harddrive untuill closing the app)
Theoretically it would be possible to to save data to ramdisk. Because any program without admin rights can request any amount of free storage from the operating system.
But as soon you request a drive letter from windows you need admin rights.
Only workarround could be to simulate a new directory on the stick. But this would need reverse engeneering and heavy knowledge of windows file system. I don`t think someone will create such a program, it`s to much work.