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PuTTY vs Bitvise Tunnelier

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Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-27 20:22
PuTTY vs Bitvise Tunnelier

I'm brand new to SSH tunneling. I just got a CopSSH server set up at home and I've tried both PuTTY and Tunnelier to make my connections. Both work fine. I was curious what others' opinions are as to which may be the better client. Tunnelier uses a local SOCKS proxy to do its port forwarding, PuTTY does not say (but I think it's a SOCKS proxy as well - anyone know for sure??).

Tunnelier does have a maintained portable version is PApps format -

which seems to work well also. So anyone have any comments as to which might be better to use? Or am I covered equally with both?

Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-27 20:22
I confirmed that PuTTY uses

I confirmed that PuTTY uses a SOCKS 4/4a/5 proxy (buried in documentation somewhere I forget).

As far as I can tell, PuTTY and Tunnelier work equally well for my purposes. If anything, Tunnelier may be more pleasing to the eye, and be easier to manage security keys with. But I don't use keys at the moment, so it doesn't matter. Tunnelier offers more functionality if used with Bitvise's proprietary SSH server however.

I'll stick with PuTTY I think, it's smaller, faster, and does what I need.

I'm probably dropping the SSH server though and going for a full VPN with OpenVPN and OpenVPNPortable. Got it up and running last night and it's a sweet piece of software. I highly recommend it if you have admin privs on the computers you are using. If not, that's where SSH/PuTTY would be useful.

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-09-03 13:34
Tunnelier vs PuTTY

I had used PuTTY extensively for SSH tunneling and always encountered the same issue, no matter what pc I was using it on or if it was portable, it kept crashing. I finally gave Tunnelier a shot and love it. It appears to be much more stable and if it does crash the auto-reconnect feature removes my biggest headache, which was stopping everything to reconnect.


Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-07-24 14:51
SSH itself

I know this thread is really only intended to be about putty and tunnelier, though it is worth mentioning that the SSH client itself has also been ported to windows - though I can't find the link atm

It's not that pretty as it's just a DOS-like command line program, but it does everything that the UNIX versions do (by definition!)

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