Would it be possible (or a good idea) to have a place that list all beta-test software for download? I am aware of the potential dangers, and realize that it must be compartmentalized from regular releases. The issue is that searching the beta forum for programs that I might be interested in is time consuming and not effective. I guess I thought that something like the theory behind the AMO sandbox (although maybe not the practice) might be appropriate. Ideas? (Braces for onslaught.)
while that is a good idea this is still a beta testing forum. So this should be moved to the general discussion forum. I am not trying to insult you, but that is what it is. To make searching for this easier just search the item here
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Moved. Thanks.
The issue with the search is that one needs to know what one wants. I guess I meant to say browsing the forum is inefficient. I like to be able to see what people have been working on, and try it if I like.
I am not my signature.
Of putting together a post that shows all software, and who the developer on it is. There will also be links to released and beta versions. Sound good?
Sounds good to me.
*aside After the first responder, I tried moving this discussion to General. It seems to move, but when I come back it is only in Beta. What am I doing wrong?
I am not my signature.
Ryan by accident (a mod). He said he saw a post appear in two forums in the tracker. Maybe try moving it again?
Thanks, moved again.
I am not my signature.
Well it is a good idea i have alot of time and still cant brows through all the Beta testing apps. and i try verry hard....lol
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.