it is located at:
it enables Vista Areo on XP systems, it would be nice so I could add some pizazz to my school computers when I am logged on, It's really realistic (as in Vista-Like)
The author also says "Do you have the boring Windows 2000 or XP, and wish it looked like Windows Vista? Or are you stuck with the Windows Home Vista Basic Version without the Aero feature? Maybe you just want to give your existing system a finishing touch... If so, you need the new VystalVivid.
VystalVivid gives your borders the Aero Glass effect just by one click.
No installation! Just download and run!"
With the no installation I think it may be able to be made portable
I will look into it. I might do it, but is it opensource?
It does not have a licence included with it
But I think I will do it.
It has no installation does not mean is doesn't leave files all over the host P.C. As well, it probably depends on and edits a lot of registry keys and/or system files. Third, with the fact that it sounds like it's touching system files (maybe not) it will probably require admin privleges. And fourth, what's the point? Just another thing to slow down the computer when it's not even yours, with the possibility of freezing it.
i think that someone should experement with this, preferably someone with a disk snapshot utility. take a snapshot of all of the files including the executeable before and after use, then in the guest account. compare them and see if it is a litterbug or not. also see if this "No Installation Nessecary" thing is really true.
i can try this but i wont be able to get it untuill wensday because i dont have internet at my house and the school doesent have a .rar archive unpacker on the comps. (and i cant download 7z portable because they block all downloads from sourceforge.
(and i cant download 7z portable because they block all downloads from sourceforge.
Yes... because it is possible that you will learn somthing from it
they also block because that would alow us to circomvent all of the server security, but they dont block PApps so i just use portable tor, but they can block sorceforge through that too, i dont know how.
SourceForge is probably being blocked specifically by it's DNS by the firewall or web-blocking software your organization is using. But if you use a online web proxy, you possibly could get around that block, as the software or firewall will be seeing a different DNS address than SourceForge's. Worth a shot anyway… just Google "web proxy server".
"Now, I know what I know because I have to know it, and if I don't have to know it I don't tell me and I don't let anyone else tell me either."
Michael Garibaldi, Babylon 5, 2259
Link appears to be shot
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Whole site down, even .
Here is what I snagged last night, test away.
FYI - This is the file I downloaded. I have not even had a chance to try it out yet.
Anyone with a not-so-new computer: does it run for you? If so how well?
The site seems to be working for me...
EDIT: Nevermind, only the main page is working.
K, currently, I am on a computer runing:
2.2 ghz proc
1 gb ram
As I see it:
Doesn't seem to run right. I don't care for it, and somethings were left standing (like the startmenu). Couldn't get to my programs on the computer. I'm not blaming you (and thanks for putting it up for me).
Try it and you'll see.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Ugh! Don't run it with StyleXP! What a disaster. I'm so used to it sometime I forget I have it... Um, I dunno if I have an unmodified PC around me. I'll try it @ class tonight.
Vista interface should be in use (I think). I switched computers and haven't reloaded the program.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I was reporting my findings.
just wait 5 minutes after you notice it is down and then try it again, from my experiences it goes back up and down frequently
not-so-new comps and they run very well at 400Mhz with 256 ram, but on one i have win2k SP4 and PAM1.0 generates errors. i thought it might be my diretx version but i upgrated to 8.1 and it still doesent work, it is only the menu thogh, all of my PApps still work.
**Edit** Reply's second falure today, this comment was for Lurking_Biohazard - October 16, 2007 - 4:40pm
It's not a failure. It's THREADED. Please go and look up how threading works. Why are you the only one that seems to consistently not understand this?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
usualy when i hit the reply button, no matter the number of posts or the post i reply to, it usualy comes directly under it. but two of them have slipped away. and i will check again.
It's just a tad slow on my dad's 1.8 GHz (single core) 512 MB RAM PC. It's not a RAM problem, I think, as I still have plenty of RAM it can take up, but an application problem. When moving windows, it stutters a lot. When I open up windows, it pops up really quick and then it closes for about 5 seconds and then it fades in. I think TrueTransparency would make a better app with a launcher.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Visual Tooltip (from the above site)- If you delete the extra language folders, and upx the exe everything still works (in english) and is 474 kb, as opposed to 1.5 mg. Clearly the size winner.
When I used Vystal, there was a noticable loading lag time, I can't access my programs (on two different computers) or anything else. Personally, I think its upgrade to Vista or a linux with this function (which is possible, I've noticed that windows keeps "coming up" with things that other GNU programs had implemented).
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It depends on Explorer. There is absolutely no effect on anything (except system resources) with another shell (I'm using LiteStep).
no registry changes. The only thing change is McAfee updated while i was talking the regshot But if u ask me it's completely usless. the start menu don't even have nething in it execpt my computer and stuff. u cant get to programs.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
really just for looks. and why dont the progs show up?
as well as circomventors. they all seem to be blocked and i dont feel like serching through 1000 pages to dind a proxie that will only work untuill surf controll logs it as aa blocked site in a week.
it has gotten so bad that they block the proxies with the .info extention and dont even allow a connection to any https:// sites.
i will have to dig out my old torpark from my dead computer.