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what is the best jumpdrive in the market?

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Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-18 11:48
what is the best jumpdrive in the market?

indeed.these days there is many brands.they say its good but what is the best bargain for jumpdrives?either install portable apps or have u3?

SmithTech's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-24 18:06
Define bargain...

Personally I use the 8BG Corsair FlashVoyager GT.
Arguably the best flash drive out there for portable apps.
Its not the cheapest drive out there, but its not ridiculous expensive either.
As for U3... DON'T bother, microsoft has already gotten their hands into it. U3 is a dead platform, microsoft will be replacing it with their version next year I believe.

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