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Sourceforge hosting for portable launchers for non open source apps?

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Joined: 2006-04-22 19:27
Sourceforge hosting for portable launchers for non open source apps?

I was not sure whether to post this in off topic or or in General discussion feel free to move it though. but I thought since it is about portable apps...
Since I created a version of insanaquarium portable and I am planning to do several other non open source apps (and some open source apps) I was wondering if I could just host the launcher of the app and the source of the launcher and just give a link to download the actual app on sourceforge?
Thanks for any info,

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

People create open-source plugins for closed-sourced programs, or IDE's for closed source application frameworks, and they're hosted on sourceforge, so it should be fine to host them there.

You'de have to get your own project started there as I don't think John's set up the hosting for outside developers yet, and we haven't started doing freeware either.

Oh, although it's not animated when reading the post, it is on your profile and when adding a comment to your posts, and John says No animated images, please. in the image guidelines. Although a dancing banana is hardcore. Smile

Kevin Porter
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Patrick, it is you'd, not you'de. Like I said, get a dictionary. :lol:

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
You know what, you know what!


José Pedro Arvela
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-07-10 07:29
I already had a similar idea

I already had a similar idea of an open source installer that installs itself and then it downloads the closed source app, installs and sets it up for us (i only didn't posted any code because I don't know programing, but even a batch file could do that for us).

EDIT: What happened to the banana? Before I post this comment it was dancing, now it isn't. Sad

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
I see it dancing.

I see it dancing.


Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 19:27
Sometimes it does that..

Ya sometimes it does that. Something must have happened when I resized it to 16x16.

 iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^ 
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 18 min 20 sec ago
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I removed it

Animated GIFs aren't allowed. It says so right on the page when you upload a picture.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

I said it in my post too. Blum

Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 19:27
Still animated....

No offense but it is still animated (at least I still see it going...) even on this post...
Does anyone else?

 iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^ 
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

Lay off the coffee. Blum Try CTRL+F5.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

A double post...I'm such a failure.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 18 min 20 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Kinda Against The Spirit

That kinda goes against the spirit of SourceForge. SourceForge is dedicated to promoting and enabling open source software. If you're hosting something that, even though it in and of itself is open source, is completely useless without a commercial thing added to it, then that kinda goes against what SourceForge is there for (it may even be against the Terms of Service).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 19:27
I won't do all commericial apps...

I won't do all commercial apps (in fact I don't think I will do any except for the Insaniquarium I did a couple of weeks ago). I will do some freeware and even some open source ones also. In fact I found an open source one that I am going to try to do this week.

 iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^ 
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
On the side

I think doing freeware applications goes against the spirit of this site personally. Just my input.

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26

And that's why non-open source freeware isn't allowed to be hosted on Sourceforge and why John is making other arrangements to host Portable freeware...or so the rumor mill tells me. Wink

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Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
I know

I just would prefer to keep it open source. But I guess there's the odd freeware app I like.

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