My Mcafee version is 8.0i and it was updated yesterday, virus definition is 5150, created on 10.26. While opening some portable apps such as putty, audacity, mcafee will alert that registry.dll is a virus "Generic StartPage.r", The file is located in temp folder. I believe it is used to save and restore registry settings and does mcafee make a mistake?
OK, 1st of all John is sick and tired of these false-positive virus reports, and there is a post in the forum you posted on, by John clarifying this issue.
2nd, yes you are experiencing a false-positive, most AV companies don't even bother testing their def files before releasing them to the public.
3rd and yes registry.dll allows NSIS to interface with the Registry.
Thanks, I'll add it to the excluded list.
This false positive has been fixed in dat release 5051.
Just update your defs and you will be fine.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Thank you Tim, it's OK now