Yes, I know this was addressed many times, but I couldn't find an answer to my question elsewhere. I had recently looked on the Mozilla site for a manual configuration technique for Java, and found:
Workaround if Java is not detected - Advanced On most systems, the Java plugin files will be detected via plugin scanning if the required registry entry exists (see above) and the currently-installed versions of the Java plugins will appear in the about:plugins listing. There may be some cases where Java is not detected unless the Java "np.dll" plugin files are copied from the Java application directory "bin" folder (e.g., from C:\Program Files\Java\j2re\bin\) to your Mozilla browser's installation directory plugins folder (e.g., to C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins) [8]. This should be done only as a last resort, as each time Java is updated the outdated plugin files must be removed and the newer versions copied over. Important: If copying the Java plugin files to the browser plugins folder does not activate Java after restarting the browser, remove them.
This was from, about half of the way down the page.
Would this possibly make Java Portable work on Firefox?
If Java itself is made portable, then yes.
Would the portable java for Open Office work?
It reads the location from a registry path (or maybe hard-coded) and it can't be specified manually (AFAIK).
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
>>John is getting a downloads server set up for non-open-source downloads, which means he will be able to get it done.
1) Is Java now Open Source, Closed Source or just the trendmarks protected like mozilla firefox?
2) For what we need a download server? I would rather like to save the traffic and the money. Let`s use some easy, cool & portable bittorrent or edk downloader. There are easy and small bittorrent one time downloaders for bittorrent out, them are checking the hash`s so them are secure against hacking.
3) The sooner we get portable java, the better.