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[Fixed] Foxit reader leaves registry keys after running

Submitted by tony200910041 on January 1, 2014 - 1:43am

I found some registry keys of Foxit Reader left in HKLM after running:

(1) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\Foxit Reader.exe
(2) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\PDFPreviewHandlerHost.FoxitPDFPreview.1
(3) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\PDFPreviewHandlerHost.FoxitPDFPreviewHa

I am using it on WinXP SP3, an administrator account. Please help to see if these keys can be removed. Thanks.

ZoneAlarm firewall does not like Stickies Portable

Submitted by reem_151 on December 31, 2013 - 11:56am

When I start my Potable app platform, I have Stickies Portable start automatically. Never use to have a problem when I used in the library, but at home, ZoneAlarm has a bit of a hissy and says:

stickies 7.1e is atempting to monitor user activities on the computer. if allowed it may try to track or log keystrokes (user input), mouse movements/clicks, web sites visited, and other behaviors.

I click on the link to get more info and it opens in a browser and says:

What should I do?
