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Skype 6 Port and integration with MSN

Submitted by degiorgi on January 4, 2013 - 3:47pm

I´m using Skype 6 Portable, and could not integrate my contacts from MSN.
Buy I dont know if this is because I´m using Portable, or is a problem of Skype/MSN.
What I´m certain is many people using Instalable Skype had the problem, and could not get a solution in the Skype Forum.
I would like to know if other people using Portable could succesfully intregate the MSN Account.

Thank you

Portable Skype and IP Webcam

Submitted by Also on December 28, 2012 - 7:24am

I've been playing around trying to find a way to get an Android, or indeed any IP Webcam, to work in Skype Portable.

The idea is that I can then go in to a Youth Hostel for example, plugin my mobile, run Skype Portable and use the mobile as a webcam.

The program:
Needs admin rights to install and comes from:

Google Chrome | does not work.

Submitted by jgaeditz on December 27, 2012 - 9:37pm

I am trying to access the website using the portable Google Chrome browser and it will not sign me in. The page loads but fails to let me access my account. I input my email and passwords, then try to press enter or submit, the page will not load. Can somebody help me with this? or is this not a fixable problem?

Google Chrome launcher and multiple --extra-plugin-dir

Submitted by ralmon on December 27, 2012 - 10:07am

Not sure if this is a limitation of Google Chrome, but if I have several of the plugin folders processed by the Google Chrome launcher, multiple --extra-plugin-dir command line arguments will be generated, and only the last one will take effect.

That means that since Java is the first one processed, it will be the first --extra-plugin-dir and will be ignored by Chrome if Flash, Silverlight, and/or BrowserPlugins folders exist.

Portable Chrome system requirements?

Submitted by WWJD on December 21, 2012 - 12:25am


I know Google Chrome requires at least WinXPSP2 to work. In the past, I've gotten around that restriction by running Portable Chrome. However, this time around, starting Portable Chrome does nothing (not even start a process, or give an error message). Has there been an undocumented system requirement increase within the past year or so, or am I doing something else that is causing this behaviour? How can I find out? Thanks in advance.

ToDoList questions

Submitted by substorm on December 20, 2012 - 2:04pm

I am really enjoying this application but I've got couple of questions:

1) Does it support large amount of data? (i.e. 50,000 tasks with text and images)

2) Is it possible to have the option to auto-save the tasks as RTF instead of HTML? This would allow me to open RTF files in numerous applications.

3) Can new tasks go directly to rich text format in the editor by default?
