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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Launchy and Relative Shortcut Icons

Submitted by wandersfar on January 2, 2011 - 11:02am

I'm trying to set up Launchy on my flash drive, with custom shortcut icons for my portable apps.

I've added Launchy to AutoPlay using this autorun.inf:


(On a side note, is there any reason not to use ShellExecute instead of Open? From what I've read, the only difference seems to be that Open is limited to .exe only, and ShellExecute can be used for any file or application, or even web addresses, so why would anyone ever use Open?)

RSS feed nolonger working ?

Submitted by ashberry777 on January 2, 2011 - 5:43am

Hello all,

I'm a big fan of and a happy user.

I use RSS to keep up with new apps, updates and news.

However, after december 26 I never received RSS messages anymore, even though there should be, because of all the Apps and news that was published on this site after that.

All my other RSS feeds work as expected.

Anyone else also seeing this ? Any suggestions on how to solve this ?



Installation of All Language Packs

Submitted by Saleh on January 2, 2011 - 3:12am

I've noticed that mostly, all portable apps install all language packs available without giving the option to the use to choose. I know you might have wanted to make the installation as unobtrusive as it is now, but some language packs are hefty in size and only burden the storage device for no reason. When I went through my potable apps installation to clean all the unnecessary language files, I cleared around 15-20 MB of language files alone.

Portable Apps are the Perfect Solution for netbooks - Thank You !

Submitted by claudita7 on December 30, 2010 - 10:34am

Dear Portable Apps Team,

I am Claudia from Vienna, Austria, having just joined your forum - finally Wink
Now I would like to express my gratefulness to all of you for your great Portable Apps I had been using for very long time.

Actually, I was not sure what to choose in your sign-up form when asked for the main device I have stored your Apps, since I have been happily making use of all of them, such as on

- Desktop PCs, notebooks and my new Tablet: hard-disk or second partition;
- EeePCs: Memory Card
- in addition to USB sticks and USB drives, etc.

Text Encryption Tool

Darkbee's picture
Submitted by Darkbee on December 29, 2010 - 12:08pm

Anyone know of a visual text encryption tool like ClipSecure. By visual I mean that the encrypted text is not stored in a file but presented in a GUI that the user can then copy and paste into another application, say an email client for example. Basically, I need to stored text in encrypted form but not in a file, just as (printable) text.

Opera 11 erased profile - again!

Submitted by smradich on December 29, 2010 - 11:32am

Hi, i just want to report that there's a serious bug in Opera 11 portable edition, and i assume that it's the same bug from previous versions - Opera is erasing profiles on startup AGAIN, and this is totally unacceptable behavior.

This is the third time since the Opera 11 release arrived that i've got overwritten/erased profile. And btw, i've spent days to tune and customize each of those profiles to work the way they should.

Now i'm back on Opera@USB 10.63, and maybe it's not as portable as OperaPortable edition (read it somewhere), but at least it works.
