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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Wrong URL Address to PortableApps BOINC Team

Submitted by Abraxian on November 18, 2021 - 9:06am


I refer to this webpage:

In the APP NOTES section of that page the following statement is made: "If you'd like to join the team on Rosetta @ home, we're team number 19931." The number at the end of the sentence is an embedded link. However, the URL for the link is wrong, it points to:

Removed Odd Rant

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on November 6, 2021 - 2:44pm

I removed the odd rant post with the walls of text where the poster didn't understand VirusTotal, false positives, potentially unwanted programs (PUA) etc. They kept posting these multi-paragraph comments for their own purposes for some reason I can't quite discern. Not exactly helpful for us working. Just in case anyone was wondering where that went.

Does updating a portable app also updates the wrapper?

Submitted by amirrh6 on November 3, 2021 - 6:10am

Hello everybody, Hope you are doing well!

I'd like to know if updating a portable app (say Firefox) via built-in updater or PortableApps Platform also fetches any update for the launcher (wrapper) or launcher's config for that specific app?

I think there could some cases where an updated app introduces significant changes which the wrapper should be aware of, so how does PortableApps handles such scenarios?

Launching Weasis via jPortable Launcher

Submitted by AbsolutelyRandom on October 27, 2021 - 3:24am

I've been trying to launch the portable version of Weasis Medical Viewer ( via jPortable Launcher. I have both jdkPortable and OpenJDK JRE Portable installed. When selecting the .jar file via the launcher nothing happens. Any idea if it is possible to launcher the program this way?

Applications a little discontinued

Submitted by pguillen on October 25, 2021 - 4:09pm


I would like to participate in this community, I hope not to bother with the following query.

Because it remains on the list of available software, very old applications and even no longer supported?, for example: "CubicExplorer" was a good alternative, but it no longer has support and has not had new versions for many years.

IMHO, it might be a good idea to add the version and the latest update to the list of available applications.

Thank you very much in advance

Warning (?) Hacktool.ProcHack Infected URL Tracking on.

Submitted by Heatlander on September 22, 2021 - 9:12am

Symantec qurantine Hacktool.ProcHack Hash: 70211A3F90376BBC61F49C22A63075D1D4DDD53F0AEFA976216C46E6BA39A9F4

According to Symmantec:
"There is strong evidence that this file is untrustworthy.
This file has been seen by hundreds of thousands of Symantec users.
Symantec has known about this file for more than 1 year.
URL Tracking: On."

[Duplicate post removed by mod JTH]
