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Accessibility Apps Support

[Fixed] Some text in platform updater/app store, backup/restore, PA.c installer, etc invisible w high contrast Windows theme

Martin0815's picture
Submitted by Martin0815 on July 14, 2017 - 4:02pm


Since I having eye disabilities I use the enabled black based High-Contrast-Mode (high-contrast-#1 theme/design) on Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Since the installer and the updater are strictly "branded" with white background images, there is already a problem, since white as background is not that "mandatory" (MSDN rules) high-contrast support.

On Windows 7 the text in the installer or at the last updater screen is yellow and so yellow on white background image.
On Windows 10 it is white texto n white background image.

To test it on your self:

[Fixed] Dspeech error

Submitted by wquatan on July 14, 2017 - 5:55am


DSpeech Text-to-speech on demand 3 MB Accessibility - DSpeech 3 MB

has been added to the platform, I'm trying to install but always get the error "The downloaded copy of DSpeech is not valid and can not be installed. This could be due to an incomplete download or other network issue. Please try running the updater again when complete.
The download seems to be a 2-step download, but the size of both is identical (which normally never is)
