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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.


Submitted by El Salvador on December 14, 2005 - 11:33am

I would like to present my launcher: ASuite 1.0. ASuite 1.0 is a simple and light launcher with 15 software (total size 8MB approximately) included.

However new version of ASuite is in work in progress.

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Submitted by Shaman on December 13, 2005 - 2:59pm

Can you make a launcher detects all portable programs (from and lists it? That would be easier and would be used in future projects?

And can you tell me what kind of programming language and tools do you use. I know some PHP but making programs will be cool too Smile
Maybe I make the launcher :cool:


Submitted by random guy on December 12, 2005 - 4:21pm

hey here is an idea i just got:

many archive programs like winrar allow for extracting from the command line instead of a GUI. maybe a good way to save space would be to compress all programs with such a program then have executables that would just say which files to extract and then open the main program + assosiated files. that would save a lot of space if you could compress programs like portable firefox and only unpackem when you needed to (do understand that it would take longer to open up apps). does that sound like a good idea or should i put my mind to other stuff?

Encryption Utility

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on December 11, 2005 - 10:30pm

I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I have (almost) lost my USB drive. When I thought I lost it, I began wondering what a good idea it would be if there was a way to encrypt the drive, so that no one else can use it, and since my name and address is already on it, they might return it to me. I know this is probably really hard, since you can just reformat the disk, but I've seen software like this on some USB drives (really expensive though), so it should be possible to create a free one right? Comments/ideas/suggestion, I'm all ears. It would be really nice if someone could crea

JARs not compressed in PFF?

Submitted by Kolya on December 11, 2005 - 6:02pm

The title says it all. While changing my PFF context menu in firefox\chrome\browser.jar I noticed the JAR wasn't compressed. It dropped from 1.101KB to 337KB after zipping.
So is there a disadvantage to compressing them all?
BTW I store PortableFirefox on a HDD-based MP-3Player. Does this count as "IPod or MP3-Player" Smile or as "Portable Harddrive" in my Account-settings?

Backup+Update System

Submitted by Shaman on December 11, 2005 - 2:11pm

New idea Smile It seems I'm going to annoy you more Smile

A program for backing up configuration files (bookmarks, extensions) of Thunderbird, Firefox, etc. will be really great. Plus, update function will be good too.

Good or bad idea???

Suite Maker

Submitted by Shaman on December 11, 2005 - 12:52pm

I have a problem about suites. I only have 2 choices and it's not enough. I need Firefox, Thunderbird, NVU, Sunbird, FileZilla, Gaim and PStart but there isn't any suite contains that files.

So I said "a suit maker would be great!"
I am using PHP for 1 year. There is a gz library which allows to zip and unzip .gz files. By using that library we can create a suite maker page.

Portable Java Apps

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on December 9, 2005 - 5:44pm

I use several Java-executable apps on my USB thumb-drive. These should not require additional development (but this seemed the best forum anyway Wink

PLCash.jar - a personal finance program
JTides.jar - a tides calculator
SatFinder.jar - a satellite finder (for television, hams, etc)

All the above can be found at Be sure to read the developer's statement about what he calls "CareWare".
